Friday, March 26, 2010

2.36. SPEECH (continued)

God says

….And [always], O you believers – all of you – turn unto God in repentance, so that you might attain to a happy state!*-- Q.24:31
* The implication of this general call for repentance is that since “man has been created weak” (4:48), no one is ever free of faults and temptations – so much so that even the Prophet used to say, “Verily, I turn unto Him in forgiveness a hundred times every day” (Ibn Hunbal, Bukhari and Bayhqi, all of them on the authority of ‘Abd Allah ibn ‘Umar).
We should speak to Almighty God with humility, in low voice and with innermost remembrance at heart. He is aware of every word we speak and every thought that crosses our mind. Hence, let’s be mindful.

Call thou [all mankind] unto thy Sustainer’ path with wisdom and goodly exhortation, and argue with them in the most kindly manner:* …Q.16:125
*Cf. 29:46 – “And do not argue with and tact and, hence, on the use of reason alone in all religious discussions withthe followers of earlier revelation otherwise than in the most kindly manner”. This stress on kindness adherents of other creeds is fully in tune with the basic, categorical injunction in 2:256 “There shall be no coercion in matters of faith”.

Never call upon any other deity side by side with God. There is no other deity save Him. Everything is bound to perish, save His [eternal] Self. With Him rests all judgment; and unto Him shall you all be brought back. -- Q.28: 88
* The continuous stress, in the Qur’an, on God’s transcendental oneness and uniqueness aims at freeing man from all sense of dependence on other influences and powers, and thus elevating him spiritually and bringing about the “purification” alluded to in the next verse. Since this objective is vitiated by the sin of shirk (“the ascribing of divine qualities to aught beside God”), the Qur’an describes it as “unforgivable” so long as it is persisted in, i.e., unless and until the sinner repents (and gives it up.)

Prophet said

3. “People will be turned over their faces in hell for abuse of their tongue.” – H:Ahmed, Tirmizi and Ibn Majah. N: Muaz.

4. “God disliked for you frivolous gossips, frequent questioning and squandering property”– H: Bukhari and Muslim. N: Mughirah.

Friday, March 19, 2010

2.36. SPEECH (to be continued)

God says

And do not allow your oaths in the name of God to keep yourselves from being virtuous and God-consciousness and from the performance of peace between fellow-men:* for God is all-hearing, all-knowing.-- Q.2:224
* As can be seen from verse 226, this injunction refers primarily for oaths relating to divorce but is, nevertheless, general in its import. Thus there are several authentic Traditions to the effect that the Prophet said: “If anyone takes a solemn oath [that he would do or refrain from doing such and such a thing], and thereupon realizes that something else would be a more righteous course, then let him do that which is more righteous, and let him break his oath and then atone for it” (Bukhari and Muslim; and other variants of the same Tradition in other compilations).
See verse 5 : 89 as regards the method of atonement.

O you who believe! Do not deprive your charitable deeds of all worth by stressing your own benevolence and hurting [the feelings of the needy], as does he who spends his wealth only to be seen and be praised by men, and believes not in God and the Last Day: Q.2:264

O people of the Scriptures! Do not exaggerate in your religion nor utter aught concerning God save the truth. Q.4: 171

Prophet said

1. “A mischief monger (causing discord) shall not enter paradise.”-- H: Bukhari and Muslim. N: Huzaifah.

2. “A Muslim is he from whose tongue and hands other Muslims* are safe”-- H: Bukhari and Muslim. N: Abdullah-b-Amr.
* “Muslims and also the non-Muslims”. This can be seen in the verses from the Qur’an, for instance 2:38: “…and speak kindly to mankind”.
As the environment in which Muslims stayed their interaction was generally with other Muslims, hence the reference to Muslims in the Tradition.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Interrupting the topics, this Friday, I bring to you the Tradition of the Prophet, from future section, so that you could benefit from it well in advance. Do also share it with others:

“One who strives for the widows and the poor is like one who struggles (jihad) in the way of God”, said the Prophet, “I shall regard him as one who stands up (for prayer) without rest and as one who fasts without break” *– H: Bukhari, Muslim and other compilations. N: Abu Hurairah

* Great rewards are promised for those who try hard to help the helpless human beings: (1) by developing the individuals in need, to stand on their own feet. The first and the foremost deserving your attention, after relatives, are the house-assistants as they are in your care, or else, are associated with you. (“Seeking knowledge is compulsory upon every Muslim male and female” the Prophet had said. Also, verse 6:165 of the Quran, given at the end, is a pointer.) Their right of education and development is usually overlooked even though basic education is a must for everyone’s tomorrow! If school timing is the problem, then, the practical alternative will be to engage an experienced school-teacher in order to impart systematic education to them at home, and enable them pass exams as private students; (2) by initiating and working for projects like widow-asylums, orphanages etc., and (3) by helping to make the existing ones work more honestly and efficiently. It would require involving the affluent and also resourceful sectors for organizational and financial assistance. This Tradition of the Prophet will motivate them.

He it is who has made you inherit the earth, and has raised some of you by degree above others, so that He might try you by means of what He has bestowed upon you.* Verily, thy Sustainer is swift in retribution: yet, behold, He is indeed much- forgiving, most gracious. - Q.6.165
*Lit., by way of character, strength, knowledge, social position, wealth etc.

Friday, March 5, 2010

2.34. MODESTY IN GARMENTS (concluded)

God says

O children of Adam! Indeed, We have bestowed upon you from on high [the knowledge of making] garments to cover nakedness, and as a thing of beauty: but the garment of God-consciousness is the best of all. Herein lies a message from God, so that man might take it to heart. – Q. 7:26

O children of Adam! Do not allow Satan to seduce you in the same way as he caused your ancestors to be driven out of the garden: he deprived them of their garment [of God-consciousness] in order to make them aware of their nakedness. Verily, he and his tribe are in wait for you where you cannot perceive them... Q.7: 27

Prophet said

2. “Modesty adorns wherein it occurs.” – H: Tirmizi. N: Anas.

3. Ibn Omar reported that the Messenger of God passed by a man of the Ansars who was advising his brother about Modesty. Thereupon, the Messenger of God said, “Love him, because Modesty is a part of faith.” – H: Bukhari, Muslim and others.

In His ultimate wisdom, God has created woman’s physical form to attract man, legitimately and strictly, her husband. Hence, it must be suitably covered to hide from the sight of other men. Because not everyone obeys the command “to lower their gaze and to be mindful of their chastity - Q24:30.”
It is in this context verses 7:26 and 7:27 should again be read and understood.

A God-conscious woman would always confirm that any fashion in vogue can certainly be followed but it must meet the norms set by religion, or else, creatively adopted to it (See topic 34. Modesty (Haya), verse 24:31 with commentary). Because only then it would suit her dignity and would give her the inner peace that results in obeying God’s command. Revealing the body form through tight fittings or part- showings are, obviously, a result of Satan’s presenting evil to man or woman as tempting good, and thus, making successful attack on modesty.

Finally, if inspired by your way-of-dignity, some follow it, then, you will also get, in addition, the same reward as they do without their reward being diminished. That is the beauty of Islam for the God-conscious.