Thursday, September 23, 2010

2.38. SILENCE AND REFLECTION (continued)

God says

Behold, as for those who are bent on denying the truth – it is all one to them whether you [O Prophet] warn them or do not warn them: they will not believe. God has sealed their hearts and their hearing, and over their eyes is a veil;* and awesome suffering awaits them. – Q.2:6,7
*A reference to the natural law instituted by God, whereby a person who persistently adheres to false beliefs and refuses to listen to the voice of truth gradually loses the ability to perceive the truth, “so that finally, as it were, a seal is set upon his heart” (Raghib). Since it is God who has instituted all laws of nature – which, in their aggregate, are called sunnat Allah (“the way of God”) – this “sealing” is attributed to Him: but it is a consequence of man’s free choice and not an act of “predestination”. Similarly, the suffering which, in the life to come, is in store for those who during their life in this world have remained deaf and blind to the truth, is a natural consequence of their free choice – just as happiness in life to come is the natural consequence of man’s endeavour to righteousness and illumination. It is in this sense that Quranic references to God’s “reward” and “punishment” must be understood.

Prophet said

The wise and the foolish:
“A wise person is one who keeps a watch over his desires and passions, checks himself from that which is harmful and strives for that which will be of benefit after death; and a foolish person is one who submits to the cravings and desires of his self, and (then) ask God (for their fulfillment)”. – H: Tirmizi. N: Abu y‘ala bin Shaddad bin Aus.

Study next week, inshaAllah, verse 14:4: “God lets go astray whomever He wills, and guides whomever He wills” as it needs to be clearly and correctly understood.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

2.38. SILENCE AND REFLECTION (continued)

God says

(5) It is they who follow the guidance [which comes] from their Sustainer; and it is they, they who shall attain to a happy state!

Now read together verses 2 to 5, bearing in mind the comments or referring to them.
This divine writ – let there be no doubt about it – is [meant to be] a guidance for all God-conscious* (3) who believe in [the existence of] that which is beyond the reach of human perception**, and are constant in prayer, and spend on others out of what We provide for them as sustenance;*** (4) and who believe in that which has been bestowed from on high upon thee, [O Prophet,] as well as that which was bestowed before thy time:**** for it is they who in their innermost are certain of the life to come!
(5) It is they who follow the guidance [which comes] from their Sustainer; and it is they, they who shall attain to a happy state!

Prophet said

“God says: when a servant of mine proceeds towards Me a hand spread, I rush towards him an arm (length), and when he proceeds towards Me an arm (length), I advance towards him by (the length) of his (both) arms spread out. When he comes to Me walking, I advance to him running.” – Hadees Qudsi, Bukhari. N: Anas-b-Malik.

Next Friday, inshaAllah, understand the next two verses 2: 6,7, which are generally misunderstood: “God has sealed their hearts and their hearing, and over their eyes is a veil;”

Friday, September 10, 2010

2.38. SILENCE AND REFLECTION (continued)

God says

Q. 2:4. …and (the God-conscious) who believe in that which has been bestowed from on high upon thee [O Prophet,] as well as in that which was bestowed before thy time:**** for it is they who are in their innermost certain of the life to come!
**** This is reference to one of the fundamental doctrines of the Quran: the doctrine of the historical continuation of the revelation. Life – so the Quran teaches us – is not a series of unconnected jumps but a continuous, organic process: and this law applies also to the life of the mind, of which man’s religious experience (in cumulative sense) is a part. Thus, the religion of the Quran be properly understood only against the background of the great monotheistic faiths which preceded it, and which, according to Muslim belief, culminate and achieve their final formulation in the faith of Islam.

Friday, September 3, 2010

2.38. SILENCE AND REFLECTION (continued)

God says

Q. 2:3. …and (the God-conscious) are constant in prayer, and spend on others out of what We provide for them as sustenance;***
*** Ar-rizq (“provision of sustenance”) applies to all that may be of benefit to man, whether it be concrete (like food, property, offspring, etc.,) or abstract (like, knowledge, piety etc.). The spending on others is mentioned here in one breath with God-consciousness and prayer because it is precisely in such selfless acts that true piety comes to its full fruition.