Friday, August 26, 2011
God says
…. And We have sent thee [O Muhammad] as an apostle unto all mankind: and none can bear witness [thereto] as God does. Whoever obeys the Apostle obeys God thereby; …. Q.4:79-80
Indeed in the Apostle of God you have an excellent example for everyone who looks forward [with hope and awe] to God and the Last Day, and remembers God unceasingly.* -- Q.33:21
For us, it will be a precious achievement here and for hereafter, if we become aware of God’s all-presence. It is easy, because we usually say “Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem” before we start any action. That is when we should recall that God is witnessing us,
as He says in Surah 10, verse 61.
Let’s start right now. He is witnessing us!
Prophet said
Bibi Ayesha narrated that every night the Prophet used to perform vitr prayer (either) at the first part of the night, or it’s middle, or it’s last – H: Bukhari and Muslim.
(It should be recalled that the Prophet spent the night sleeping at intervals and praying at intervals.)
Those days everyone, as a rule, performed Vitr prayer after Tahajjud . Bukhari and Muslim quote Abu Huraira that the Prophet permitted him to do it before going to sleep as he could not rise for the late night prayer due to his over- engagement in connection with the preservation of the Traditions at night.
(This indicates that occupation with religious learning has priority over optional prayers) – Al-Hadis
Sunnat prayers are of two types: Sunnat-e-Muakkedah (stressed to be performed) -- always observed by the Prophet.
Insha Allah, details of the above will be posted next Friday.
Sunnat-e-Ghair Muakkedah – are those which were occasionally observed by the Prophet, and hence, not stressed.
Friday, August 19, 2011
God says
And when the prayer [of Friday congregation] is ended, disperse freely on earth* and seek to obtain [something] of God’s bounty; but remember God often**, so that you might attain to a happy state! -- Q.62:10
* I.e., “you may devote yourself to worldly pursuits”. As the sequence shows in the above verse, Friday is not the day of complete rest in Islamic Law.
** So that we may not overlook religious and moral obligations in our worldly pursuits.
(In devoting ourselves to worldly pursuits do we remember God often?)
Prophet said
“To God Friday is a greater day* than the day of Sacrifice Idd-ul-Azha and the day of Fitr (Idd-ul-Fitr)’” – H: Ibn Majah. Narrator: Abu Hobabah.
*Because, in the system of Islam Friday congregation brings the community together every week and perhaps it is because of that it is Farz, whereas the two Idd are not.
“Verily there is an hour on Friday in which, when a Muslim servant (of God) seeks good from Him, He grants it” -- H: Bukhari and Muslim. Narr: Abu Hurairah.
There are nearly thirty three Traditions relating to the special hour on Friday.
“Seek the hour which is so hoped for on Friday after Asr prayer till the setting of the sun.” —H: Anas. N: Tirmizi.
“Obligatory prayers five times a day, and one Friday prayer upto (the next) Friday prayer, and fasting (during a) month (of Ramadan) upto (the next Ramadan) fasts cause expiation (of sins) which come to pass in their midst provided the major sins are avoided.” -- H: Bukhari and Muslim. Narrator: Abu Hurairah.
“Increase blessings on me on Friday, because it is witnessed; angels witness it. And nobody sends blessings on me but it is presented to me till he is free from it.” Abu Darda’a said that he asked: and after death? The Prophet replied, “Indeed God has made unlawful for the earth that it should consume the bodies of the prophets”; so the Prophet of God is alive and is given provision. – H: Ibn Majah. N: Abu Darda’a.
Friday, August 12, 2011
God says
O you who have attained to faith! When the call to prayer is sounded on the day of congregation hasten, to the remembrance of God and leave all worldly commerce:* this is for your own good, if you but knew it. – Q.62:9
*I.e., on Friday, when congregational prayer at noon is obligatory.
Please always remember to use the honorifics:
After name or title of the Prophet say: “Sal-lal- lahu ‘Alaihi wa Sal-lam”; (peace and blessings be upon him)
After the name or the title of every prophet (nabi) and apostle (rasul) say:
“ ‘Alai hissalaam” (peace be upon him or them)
After the name of their family member, as well as a companion, say:
“Radi Allahu ‘Anhu—or ‘Anha—or ‘Anhum ”
(may God be pleased with him--or her--or them)
And for others, say: “Rahmat-Allah-e-‘Alaih”
(God’s mercy be upon him)
Prophet said
“Friday (prayer) is binding upon every Muslim except upon four: a slave, a woman, a (small) boy, and a sick man.” – H: Abu Daud. N: Tariq-b-Shehab.
It is optional for these four categories.
“Whoever gives up three Friday prayers by way of neglect, God will seal up his heart.’ – H: Abu Daud, Tirmizi, Nisai, Ibn Majah. N: Abu Ja`ad-az-Zumairi.
“Whoever holds conversation on Friday, while the Imam is delivering the Sermon, is like an ass who carries books; and one who tells him, ‘Be silent’, there is no Jumah for him” – H: Ahmed. N: Ibn Abbas
“When any of you feels drowsy, (in the mosque before the prayer,) on Friday, let him change his place.” -- H: Tirmizi. N: Ibn Omar
Mu`az-b-Anas reported that the Prophet prohibited from sitting with legs raised on Friday while the Imam delivers the sermon (Khutba) – H: Tirmizi.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
God says
But if you are in danger [pray] walking or riding;* and when you are again secure, bear God in mind – since it is He who taught you what you did not previously know. – Q.2:239
* This relates to any dangerous situation – for instance, in war – where remaining for any length of time at one place would only increase the peril: in such an event, the obligatory prayers may be offered in any way that is feasible, even without considering the direction to qiblah.
…. And know that God intervenes between man and [the desires of] his heart,* and that unto Him you shall be gathered. -- Q.8:24
*I.e., between a man’s desire and the outward action that may result from those desires: indicating that God can turn man away from what his heart urges him to do (Raghib). In other words, it is God-consciousness alone that can prevent man from being misled by wrong desires and, thus, from becoming like “those deaf, those dumb ones who do not use their reason” (verse 8: 22); and it is God-consciousness alone that enables man to follow the call “unto that gives life” – that is spiritual awareness of right and wrong and the will to act accordingly.
Prophet said
“Pray standing; if you are unable, then sitting; if (still) unable then (lying) upon a side” – H: Bukhari and Muslim.
When travelling Apostle of God used to combine Zuhr with Asr, and Maghrib with Isha – H: Bukhari. N: Ibn Abbas.
It seems, however, that a traveler is free to choose his own line of action for his prayer in a journey depending upon the convenience or problem in performing his prayer.
God made the prayers obligatory through the instruction of your Prophet (thus): four “Rakats” when resident, two “Rakats” in journey, and one “Rakat” when in danger – H: Muslim. N: Ibn Abbas
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