Saturday, December 28, 2013

11. Detached Attitude & Attached Attitude

Detached Attitude                                             11
Live in this world as if you are a stranger or sojourner (to the next world) and count yourself as one of the inmates of grave.
--Tradition by Bukhari. Narrator: Ibn Omar.

Attached Attitude                                              11
Mind of an old man does not cease to be growing in two things: love for the world and hope of a long life.
--Tradition by Bukhari and Muslim. Narrator: Abu Hurairah.

Friday, December 20, 2013

10. Good Conduct & Bad Conduct

Good Conduct________________________10
(Among) the best of you is he who is best in conduct.
--Tradition by Bukhari and Muslim. Narrator: Abdullah-b-Amr.

Bad Conduct_________________________ 10
The most disliked by me and among farthest from me
on the Resurrection Day will be those who are worst
of you in conduct – the talkative, the unjust, the proud.                                
--Tradition by Baihaqi. Narrator: Abu S’albah. (Excerpt)

Friday, December 13, 2013

9. Desirous for Learning & Desirous for The World

Desirous for Learning___________________9
Two greedy men are never satisfied: the man for 
learning and the man for the world; but they are 
not equal. The one (greedy) for learning he 
increases the pleasure of the Merciful.
--Tradition by Dairami. Narrator: Abdullah-b-Masud. (Excerpt)

Desirous for The World__________________9
As for the man (greedy) for the world, he 
--Tradition by Dairami. Narrator: Abdullah-b-Masud. (Excerpt)

Friday, December 6, 2013

8. Decency & Indecency

You shall take to kindness and avoid 
harshness and indecency.
--Tradition by Muslim. Narrator: Bibi Ayesha. (Excerpt)

In the sight of God, (among) the worst of men 
on the Resurrection Day will be the one whom 
people avoid (here) for fear of his indecency. 
--Tradition by Bukhari and Muslim. Narrator: Bibi Ayesha. (Excerpt)

Thursday, November 28, 2013

7. Courage & Cowardice

Courage                                                    7
God loves the soldier who encounters the enemy, though his companions are routed.
--Tradition by Tirmizi. Narrator: Abdullah bin Masud. (Excerpt).

Cowardice                                                 7
Of the worst of what is in a man is extreme niggardliness and extreme cowardice.
--Tradition by Abu Daud. Narrator: Abu Hurairah.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

6. Contentment & Greed

Wealth lies not in being very rich but in self-contentment.
--Tradition by Bukhari and Muslim. Narrator: Abu Hurairah.

Had there been two mountains of wealth for the son of Adam
he would have sought the third.
--Tradition by Bukhari and Muslim. Narrator: Ibn Abbas. (Excerpt)

Friday, November 15, 2013

5. Best of Servants & Worst of Servants

Best of Servants_______________5  
(Among) the best of the servants of God are 
those who,when seen, remind of God.
--Tradition by Ahmed and Baihaqi. Narrator: Abdur 
Rahmanb-Ganam                                                                                                                                   Also by Ibn Majah. Narrator: Asma’a-b-Yazid. (Excerpt).

Worst of Servants______________5  
(Among) the worst of the servants of God are 
those who roam with Slanderers (and) who 
create differences among the pious.
--Tradition by Ahmed and Baihaqi. Narrator: Abdur 
Rahman-b-Ganam.  (Excerpt).

Friday, November 8, 2013

4. Believer & Non-Believer

Believer                                        4
A believer is he in whom mankind has an asylum for their  lives and their properties.
--Tradition by Bukhari and Muslim. Narrator: Abdullah-b-Amr. (Excerpt)

Non-Believer                                4 

This world is a paradise for the unbeliever (for whom this is “a pleasure-house” and he feels free to indulge in any sinful act).
--Tradition by Muslim. Narrator: Abu Hurairah. (Excerpt)

Friday, November 1, 2013

3. Anxieties of the After-Life & Anxieties of this World

Anxieties of the After-Life     3
Whoever makes the anxieties a single anxiety, the anxiety of his next world, God will remove his anxiety of this world.
--Tradition by Ibn Majah . Narrator: Abdullah-b-Masud. (Excerpt).

Anxieties of this World         3
Whoever has got a variety of anxieties concerning (only) this world, God will not care in whichever of its valleys he perishes.
--Tradition by Ibn Majah . Narrator: Abdullah-b-Masud. (Excerpt).

Thursday, October 24, 2013

2. Action for God & Action for People

Action for God             2
One who acts to seek God’s pleasure God will protect him from people (even) if it displeases them.
-Tradition by Tirmizi. Narrator: Mu’awiyah (excerpt).

Action for People         2
Whoever seeks pleasure of people which displeases God, God will hand him over to them (i.e., will not protect him). 
--Tradition by Tirmizi. Narrator: Mu’awiyah (excerpt).

Friday, October 18, 2013

1. Action & Inaction

Action                     1
Whoever among you sees anything objectionable let 
him change it. If he is not able to do so let him speak 
against it, and if even this he is unable to do then 
(condemn it) at heart which is the weakest form of 
--Tradition by Muslim. Narrator: Abu Sayed al-Khidri.

Inaction                  1  
When people see anything abominable and do not 
change it (even though they have the ability to do so) 
it is near that God will overtake all with His 
-- Tradition by Ibn Majah and Tirmizi.  Narrator: Abu Bakr Siddiq. (excerpt).

Sunday, October 13, 2013


“Do’s & Don’ts”
 To ‘enjoin the doing of what is right and to forbid the doing of what is wrong’ is an inbuilt system of moral education in Islam. Neglect of which could well be the cause of the present condition of the Ummah, especially in the light of Prophet’s warning mentioned last Friday.
 Hence, based on the Traditions of our Prophet (S.A.W.W.), “Do’s & Don’ts” is an effort to “revive the awareness” of right and wrong i.e., what is enjoined and what is forbidden. We hope, given the attention, this revival for awareness would soon become the Movement of Awareness.

Every Friday, insha’a Allah, will be featured only one example of right and wrong in order to receive your desired attention. We regret to be rather late this time.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Do’s & Don’ts - A New Series

 “[Believers!]You are indeed the best community that has ever been brought forth for (the good of) mankind: you enjoin the doing of what is right and forbid the doing of what is wrong, and you believe in God.” – Qur’an: chapter 3, verse 110


“And the believers, both men and women –they are friends and protectors of one another: they (all) enjoin the doing of what is right and forbid the doing of what is wrong…” -- Qur’an: chapter 9, verse 71.

B E W A R E  

Prophet (S.A.W.W.) had warned us:
“By Him in whose hand is my life, you must enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong; otherwise it is near that God will send chastisement upon you from Himself. You will then call Him but there will be no response!” – Tradition quoted by Tirmizi on the authority of Huzaifah(R.A.).

                                                             (Wait for action till next Friday)

Sunday, March 17, 2013


God says

… Who is there that could intercede with Him unless it be by His leave?... Q.2:255

… and Thou Sustainer may well raise thee [O Muhammad] to a glorious station
[in the life to come]. -- Q.17:79

Prophet said

 “For every prophet there was an acceptable invocation, and every prophet hastened to make it. I have kept mine reserved for the Resurrection Day to be used as an intercession for my people. If God wills, it will be accepted for every follower who died without setting up anything with God.” – H: Muslim. N: Abu Hurairah.

In a fairly lengthy Tradition quoted by Bukhari and Muslim on the authority of Anas it is mentioned that when the believers will be detained on the Resurrection Day they will become restive and in order to have peace of mind during detention they will approach  Adam to intercede.  He will send them to Noah, he to Abraham, he to Moses and he to Jesus. Then Jesus will direct them to the Prophet who will intercede.
Anas narrated that the Prophet then recited the verse 17:79 and said: “This is the glorious station promised to your Prophet.”

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All the 4 books come to close for the Friday Post.
Let us pray to God the Most Gracious:

“O God! help us with Knowledge,
and adorn us with forbearance,
and honour us with God-conscious nature,
and beautify us with peace and serenity”  