Friday, January 30, 2009

2.08. OPPRESSION (to continue)

God says

…. oppression is even worse than killing. … Q2: 191

…they who transgress the bounds set by God -- it is they, they who are evildoers! - Q.2: 229

But he who commits a fault or a sin and throws the blame on an innocent person, burdens himself with the guilt of calumny and [yet another] flagrant sin. - Q.4: 112

Prophet said

1. “God gives respite to the oppressor until when He overtakes him. He (then) does not exempt him.”-- H: Bukhari and Muslim. N: Abu Musa.

2. “Of all the people, remotest from God is the hard hearted”– H: Tirmizi. N: Ibn Omar.

3. “Whoever extorts any portion of land unjustly will be sunk down unto seven earths on the Resurrection Day” – H: Bukhari. N: Salem.

4. “The poor man among my people is he who will come on Resurrection Day with prayer, fasting, and almsgiving (on the one hand and on the other, with) rebuking, backbiting, devouring the property, shedding the blood, and beating someone.”-- H: Muslim. N: Abu Hurairah.

Friday, January 23, 2009


God says

… and speak kindly to mankind;… Q.2: 83

A kind word and the veiling of another’s want is better than a charitable deed followed by hurt;…. Q.2: 263

And the parable of those who spend their possessions out of longing to please God, and out of their own inner certainty, is that of a garden on high, fertile ground: a rainstorm smites it, and thereupon it brings its fruits twofold; and if no rainstorm smites it, soft rain [falls upon it]. And God sees all that you do. - Q.2: 265

Those who act kindly will have kindness and even more besides, neither darkness nor disgrace will shadow their faces [on Resurrection Day]. Those will be inhabitants of paradise; they will live in it forever. - Q.10: 26

Lo! God enjoins justice and kindness, …. Q.16: 90

Act with kindness just as God has treated you kindly. -- Q.28: 77

Prophet said

1. “With kindness comes grace, and its absence leaves disgrace” -- H: Muslim. N: Bibi Ayesha.

2. “ When a man starts to offer gift with the intention to maintain relationships, God multiplies it manifold” -- H: Ahmed. N: Abu Hurairah.

3. “Do not say: if people do good we will do good, and if they do wrong (then) we will do wrong. But (instead) get yourselves accustomed to do good if people do good and not to do wrong if they do wrong.” -- H: Tirmizi. N: Huzaifah.

4. “God is kind and loves kindness” -- H: Muslim. N: Bibi Ayesha

Friday, January 16, 2009

2.06. DISSENSION (concluded)

God says

Thus, indeed, have We given in this Qur’an many facets to every kind of lesson [designed] for [the benefit of] mankind. However, man is, above all else, given to contention: for what is there to keep people from attaining to faith now that guidance has come unto them, and from asking their Sustainer to forgive them their sins – unless it be [their wish] that the fate of the [sinful] people of ancient times should befall them [as well], or that the [ultimate] suffering should befall them in the hereafter? -- Q.18: 54, 55

O you who have attained to faith! If any wicked person comes to you with a [slanderous] tale, use your discernment,* lest you hurt people unwittingly and afterwards be filled with remorse for what you have done. -- Q.49: 6

*I.e., verify the truth before giving credence to any such report or rumour. The tale-bearer is characterized as “wicked” because the very act of spreading unsubstantiated rumours affecting the reputation of other persons constitutes a spiritual offense.

O you who have attained to faith! Avoid most guesswork [about one another] -- for, behold, some of [such] guesswork is [in itself] a sin; and do not spy upon one another, nor allow yourselves to speak ill of one another behind your backs. … Q.49: 12

Prophet said

1. “Dispute between two is destructive”- H: Abu Daud and Tirmizi. N: Abu Dardaa.

2. “Whoever forsakes his brother (Muslim) for a year is like one who sheds his blood.” – H: Abu Daud. N: Abul Kherash as-Solami.

3.“The worst of the servants of God are those who roam with slanderers, who create differences among the pious.” -- H: Ahmad and Baihaqi. N: ‘Abdur Rahman-b-Ganam.

Friday, January 9, 2009


God says

And when they are told, “Do not spread corruption on earth,” they answer, “We are but improving things!” Oh, verily, it is they, they who are spreading corruption– but they perceive it not!* -- Q.2: 11,12
* It would seem that this is an allusion to people who oppose any “intrusion” of religious considerations into the realm of practical affairs, and thus – often unwittingly, thinking that they are “but improving things” – contribute to the moral and social confusion referred to in the subsequent verse.

Do not abuse those (beings) whom they invoke instead of God, lest they abuse God out of spite, and in ignorance: …. Q.6: 108
. … and do not [allow yourself to] be at variance with one another, lest you lose heart and your moral strength desert you. And be patient in adversity: for God is with those who are patient in adversity -- Q.8: 46

Prophet said

1. “To God, the worst of men in rank on the resurrection day will be one whom people give up for fear of his harms”-- H: Bukhari and Muslim. N: Bibi Ayesha.

2. “He does not believe in God (said three times): he from whose injuries his neighbour is not safe”-- H: Bukhari and Muslim. N: Abu Hurairah.

3. “One who creates dissension shall not enter paradise”--H: Bukhari, Muslim. N: Huzaifah.

4. “Doors of paradise are opened on Monday and Thursday when every servant (of God) who does not ascribe divinity to aught beside God is forgiven except a man between whom and his brother there is rancour. It is then said to leave them alone till they are at peace.” – H: Muslim. N: Abu Hurairah.

Friday, January 2, 2009

2.05 PEACE (concluded)

God says

God invites unto the abode of peace* ….. Q10: 25

*‘Abode of peace’ not only denotes the condition of ultimate happiness in the hereafter (alluded to in the allegory of paradise) but also the spiritual condition of a true believer in this world: namely, a state of inner security, of peace with God, with natural environments and with oneself.

Hence, if two groups of believers fall to fighting* make peace between them; but then, if one of the two [groups] goes on acting wrongfully toward the other, fight against the one who acts wrongfully until it reverts to God’s commandment;** and if they revert, make peace between them with justice, and deal equitably [with them]: for God loves those who act equitably! - Q.49: 9*

The expression “fighting” comprises in this context all modes of discords and contention, both in word and deed, evidently as a consequence of the slanderous rumours spoken of in verse 6 earlier.** The believers should act as brethren.

Prophet said

1. “A believer is he in whom mankind has an asylum for their lives and properties” -- H: Bukhari and Muslim. N: Abdullah-b-Amr.

2. “Should I not inform you what is better in rank than the (voluntary) fasting, charity and (voluntary) prayer? (It is) to restore peace between the two. Dispute is destructive” -- H: Abu Daud and Tirmizi. N: Abu Darda.

3. “You shall not enter paradise till you believe; and you will not be believers till you love one another. Should I not guide you to something, which if you would do you would love one another? Spread peace among you.”— H: Muslim. N: Abu Huraira.