Friday, January 23, 2009


God says

… and speak kindly to mankind;… Q.2: 83

A kind word and the veiling of another’s want is better than a charitable deed followed by hurt;…. Q.2: 263

And the parable of those who spend their possessions out of longing to please God, and out of their own inner certainty, is that of a garden on high, fertile ground: a rainstorm smites it, and thereupon it brings its fruits twofold; and if no rainstorm smites it, soft rain [falls upon it]. And God sees all that you do. - Q.2: 265

Those who act kindly will have kindness and even more besides, neither darkness nor disgrace will shadow their faces [on Resurrection Day]. Those will be inhabitants of paradise; they will live in it forever. - Q.10: 26

Lo! God enjoins justice and kindness, …. Q.16: 90

Act with kindness just as God has treated you kindly. -- Q.28: 77

Prophet said

1. “With kindness comes grace, and its absence leaves disgrace” -- H: Muslim. N: Bibi Ayesha.

2. “ When a man starts to offer gift with the intention to maintain relationships, God multiplies it manifold” -- H: Ahmed. N: Abu Hurairah.

3. “Do not say: if people do good we will do good, and if they do wrong (then) we will do wrong. But (instead) get yourselves accustomed to do good if people do good and not to do wrong if they do wrong.” -- H: Tirmizi. N: Huzaifah.

4. “God is kind and loves kindness” -- H: Muslim. N: Bibi Ayesha