Friday, September 4, 2009


God says

…. And take council with them in all matters of public concern; then, when thou hast decided upon a course of action, place thy trust in God: for, verily, God loves those who put their trust in Him*. -- Q.3:159*

This injunction, implying government by concent and council, must be regarded as one of the fundamental clauses of Islamic legislation relating to statecraft.

If God helps you, no one can overcome you; but if He should forsake you, who could help you thereafter? In God, then, let the believers place their trust! (3:160)

….“God is enough for us; and how excellent guardian is He!” -- Q.3:173

And God comprehends the hidden reality of the heavens and the earth: for all that exists goes back to Him [as its source]. Worship Him, then, and place your trust in Him alone: for your God is not unmindful of anything that you do. -- Q.11:123

“…. and do not lose hope of God’s life-giving mercy : indeed, none but people who deny the truth can ever lose hope of God’s life-giving mercy.” – Q.12:87

Truly, the command is with God in all things! -- Q.13:31

Prophet said

1. “Seventy thousand of my followers will enter paradise without account: those who do not seek charms*, nor consider bad omens; but on their Lord do they rely”– H: Bukhari and Muslim. N: Ibn Abbas.

*Charms and enchantments which are opposed to Quranic injunctions and which smack of polytheism are quite unlawful. The enchantments which bear the names of Allah or the words of the Quran and Hadis are allowed. (Al-Hadis, vol. 1, page 441, note: 366)

2. 'The last statement of prophet Ibraheem, when he was cast into the fire (of Nimrod and God saved him)., was: "Allah (Alone) is sufficient for me – and He is the best Disposer (of my affairs)" -- H. Bukhari. Narrator: Ibn 'Abbas.