God says
Truly man is to his Lord, ungrateful; and to that (fact) he bears witness (by his deeds); and most ardently devoted is he in his love of wealth. - Q.100:6-8
The mutual rivalry for piling up (worldly things) diverts you (from more serious things), until you go down to your graves. - Q.102:1,2
[Woe unto him] who amasses wealth and counts it a safeguard, thinking that his wealth will make him live forever! * Nay, but [in the life to come such as] he shall indeed be abandoned to crushing torment! And what could make thee conceive what that crushing torment will be? A fire kindled by God, which will rise over the [guilty] hearts: verily, it will close in upon them in endless columns!- Q.104:2-8
*This is a metonym for the tendency to attribute an almost “religious” value to the acquisition and possession of material goods and facilities – a tendency which precludes man for giving any real importance to religious considerations.
Prophet said
“A man says: My property, my property! But, verily, his properties out of his wealth are three: what he puts on and is worn out; what he gives away (in charity) out of what he has hoarded; what is besides that is perishable and he will leave it for people.”-- H: Muslim. N: Abu Hurairah.