Friday, February 26, 2010

2.35. MODESTY AND GARMENTS (to be continued)

God says

O Adam, dwell thou and thy wife in this garden, and eat, both of you whatever you may wish; but do not approach this one tree, lest you become evildoers! – Q. 7:19
The first command of God to man was not to disobey and become “evildoers”. It happened immediately after the episode of the creation of Adam and Iblis being thrown out of grace.

Thereupon Satan (Iblis) whispered unto the two with a view to making them conscious of their nakedness, of which [hitherto] they had been unaware; and he said: “Your Sustainer has but forbidden you this tree lest you two become [as] angels, or lest you live forever.” – Q. 7:20
The first attack of Satan was on man’s modesty, using his powerful weapon: presenting evil to man as tempting (but false) good.

-- and thus he [Satan] led them on with deluding thoughts.
But as soon as they tasted of the tree, their shame became manifest to them; and they began to cover themselves with pieced-together leaves from the garden…….. Q. 7: 22
The first disobedience of man to his Lord resulted in his nakedness. Disobedience is sin, which always results in what is evil and, hence, harmful for man.

Against this backdrop of what happened to Adam and Eve, read next Friday, inshaAllah, what God says to us, the children of Adam.

Prophet said

1. “Modesty brings nothing but good. (And in a narration:) Modesty is good in its everything. ”– H: Bukhari Muslim and others. N: Imran-b-Hussain.