Friday, December 30, 2011


God says

And they should not think -- they who niggardly cling to all that God has granted them out of His Bounty -- that this is good for them: no, it is bad for them.* That to which they so niggardly cling will, on the Day of Resurrection, be hung around their necks: … Q.3:180
*This is an allusion to the way of life of the unbelievers mentioned in the previous verse 179 : a way of life characterized by extreme attachment to the material things of this world – a materialism based on lack of belief in anything that transcends the practical problem of life.
Reluctance to pay Zakat, that is compulsory, is the product of this attachment and attitude. It would help to pay attention to the meanings of short surah 102.

….. They who hoard up gold and silver and spend it not in the way of God*, unto them give tidings [O Muhammad] of a painful doom. On the Day when it will [all] be heated up in the fire of hell, and their foreheads, sides and their backs will be branded therewith**, [those sinners shall be told:] Here is that which you have laid up for yourselves. Now taste the evil of what you used to hoard. Q.9:34,35
*Most probably this is, in the first instance, an allusion to the wealth of Jewish and Christian communities, and their misuse of their wealth. Some of the commentators, however, are of the opinion that the reference is wider, comprising all people including Muslims, who hoard their wealth without spending anything thereof on righteous causes.
** Cf. the parallel allegory, in 3:180, of suffering which will befall the greedy for riches and niggardly in the life to come.

Prophet said

Two women came to the Prophet wearing gold bangles. He asked them, “Have you both paid Zakat?” They replied in negative. He then asked, “Would you both like that God dresses you (On Resurrection Day) with Bangles from hell?” No!: they replied. He said, “Then pay Zakat of these” – H: Tirmizi. N: Amr-b-Shuaib through his father.

“Can anyone of you recite 1000 Qur’anic verses everyday?”, the Prophet continued, “Read surah “AL-HAKU MUT TAKASUR …..( surah 102, its equivalent)” -- H: Hakim. N: Abdullah-b-Omer

Thursday, December 22, 2011


God says

“The offerings [Zakat] given for the sake of God are [meant] only for (1) the poor and (2) the needy, and (3) those employed to administer the [funds], and (4) those whose hearts are to be won over, and (5) for freeing of human being from bondage, and (6) those who are over-burdened with debts, and (7) [for every struggle] in God’s cause, and (8) for the wayfarer : (thus is it) ordained by God- and God is all-knowing, wise.”* -- Q.9:60
*These eight categories circumscribe all the purposes for which Zakat funds may be expended. By “those whose hearts are to be won over” are apparently meant such non-Muslims as are close to understanding and, perhaps, accepting Islam and for whose conversion every effort should be made, either directly or indirectly (i.e., by means of the widest possible propagation of the teachings of Islam). As regards “for freeing of human being from bondage” it relates to both ransoming of prisoners of war and to the freeing of slaves. “those who are over-burdened with debts” contracted in good faith, which -- through no fault of their own – they are subsequently unable to redeem. The expression “for the sake of God or in God’s cause” embraces every kind of struggle in righteous causes, both in war and in peace, including expenditure for the propagation of Islam and for charitable purposes. As for “the wayfarer”, he may be very well off at home but if stranded away from home, he is entitled to Zakat.

Prophet said

A man asked the Prophet to give something out of Zakat (collection). The Prophet said, “God divided it (Zakat) into eight divisions:(See the verse 9:60 above) If you belong to any one of those, I will give it to you.” -- H: Abu Daud. N: Ziyad-b-al-Haris

Once Hasan Ibn Ali took a date out of the dates of Zakat and put it in his mouth. “Throw it off,” the Prophet said, “don’t you know that we do not devour Zakat.”
-- H: Bukhari and Muslim. N: Abu Hurairah.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

3.31. ZAKAT: (continued)

God says

And be constant in prayer, and pay Zakat, … Q. 2:43
*This is the constant reminder in the Quran. It is mentioned by Bukhari and Muslim that Caliph Abu Bakr Siddiqui once said, “By God, I shall surely fight against him who differentiates between prayer and Zakat…”

And withal, they were not enjoined aught but that they would worship God, sincere in their faith in Him alone, turning away from all that is false; and that they should be constant in prayer; and that they should pay Zakat: for this is moral law endowed with ever-true soundness and clarity. -- Q.98:5

Prophet said

‘…There is one dirham for every 40 dirhams, and there is nothing due (Zakat) upto 200 dirhams. When you have 200 dirhams, 5 dirhams become due (to you)…’ -- N: Abu Daud. N: Ali through Zohair.

Please obtain details from a qualified person regarding items of concern. Briefly, Zakat is applicable on gold and silver ornaments and savings; on animals (except those which are bred at home); field products; and on merchandise.
There is no Zakat on household conveyance, residential house, household furniture and furnishing, utensils, decorations articles, books etc., provided those are not meant for business. There is no Zakat on orphan’s property, vegetable. There is no Zakat on pearl and diamonds of personal use, (should check about gold or silver in which these are embedded?)

Friday, December 9, 2011

3.30. ZAKAT: THE BENEFIT TAX (to be continued)

God says

PIETY -- “[Truly pious is he who among other things] spends his substance however much he himself may cherish it” -- Q.2:177

INCREASE’ AND ‘FORGINENESS’ -- “Satan threatens you with the prospect of poverty and bids you to be niggardly, whereas God promises you His forgiveness and bounty”-- Q.2:268.

MUCH, MUCH INCREASE --The parable of those who spend their possessions for the sake of God is that of a grain out of which grow seven ears, in every ear a hundred grains: for God grants manifold increase unto whom He wills; and God is infinite, all-knowing.-- Q.2:261,262

“[Hence O Prophet!] accept [for collection] that part of their possessions which is offered for the sake of God, so that you may cleanse them thereby and cause them grow in purity”…. Q.9:103 (This primarily denotes Zakat)

Truly to a happy state shall attain the believers: those who humble themselves in their prayer, and who turn away from all that is frivolous, and who are intent on inner purity;* -- Q.23:1-4
* Lit., “working for” or “active in behalf of [inner] purity”, which is the meaning of zakah in this context (Zamakhshari; the same interpretation has been advanced by Abu Muslim).

Prophet said

‘For one who acquires wealth, there is no zakat due till a year passes over it.’ -- H: Tirmizi. N: Ibn Omer

Ali reported : Abbas asked the Prophet about advance payment of Zakat before a year passed. He gave permission for that -- H: Ibn Majah, Tirmizi & Abu Daud.

The literal meanings of Zakat are “purification” and “increase”. No wonder, its payment is made obligatory for the benefit of every Muslim possessing more than the wealth amounting to “Nisab”, after one year passes over it. Zakat encourages circulation of wealth, discourages its stagnation, and forms an integral part of the system of economics in Islam.

Friday, December 2, 2011


God says

Prophet Abraham’s prayer-- “O our Sustainer! Raise up from the midst of our offspring an apostle from among themselves, who shall convey unto them Thy messages and impart unto them revelation as well as wisdom, and cause them to grow in purity…” – Q.2:129 (The prayer was accepted and verse 2:151 confirms this word by word for the Prophet of Islam)

Prophet Abraham’s prayer “Rabanagh-Firli wa-le-waledayya wa- lil-mominina, yaoma yaqumul-hisaab”-- (Grant Thy forgiveness unto me, and my parents, and all the believers, on the Day on which the [last] reckoning will come to pass”) (Q.14:41)

Prophet Job’s (Ayyub) prayer-- “Affliction has befallen me but Thou are the most merciful of the merciful!” -- Q.21:83

Prophet Jonah’s (Yunus) Prayer-- “There is no deity save Thee! Limitless are Thou in Thy Glory! Verily, I have done wrong!” -- Q.21:87

Prophet Zakariah’s prayer-- “O my Sustainer! Leave me not childless! But Thou are the best of inheritors!” -- Q.21:89

Prophet Noah’s prayer-- “O my Sustainer! Cause me to reach a destination blessed (by Thee) -- for Thou are best to show man how to reach his (true) destination. (Q.23:29)

Prophet Moses’s prayer – “Oh my Sustainer! Open my heart (to Thy light), and make my task easy for me, and loosen the knot from my tongue so that they might fully understand my speech.” -- Q.20:25-28
This one includes speech therapy

Prophet said

‘O God! I seek refuse to Thee from the evils of what I have done and from the evils of what I have not done’ -- H: Muslim. N: BibiAyesha.

The Holy Prophet said: one of the supplications of Prophet David was: O God! I beg to Thee for Thy love, and the love of those who love Thee and the act which may lead me to Thy love (excerpt form a Hadis)

Thursday, November 24, 2011


God says:

God asks us to say:

Guide us the straight way -- the way of those on whom Thou has bestowed Thy blessings,… Q.1:6,7

Prophet said

‘O God! I beg Thee for guidance, piety, chastity, and contentment’ -- H: Muslim. N: Abdullah-b-Masud

‘…O my Sustainer! Make me, to remember Thee, to be thankful to Thee, to be devoted to Thee, obedient to Thee, humble to Thee, hopeful in Thee, repentant, off-returning (Alla-hum-maj-‘a-inni, laka zakkaran, laka shakkaran, laka rah-ha-ban, laka mitwa‘an, laka mukhbitan ilaika awwaham muneeba) ’ -- H:Tirmizi, Abu Daud, Ibn Majah. N: Ibn’Abbas.

‘O God! Give me provision of Thy Love and the love of one whose love in Thy sight will benefit me…’ -- H: Tirmizi. N: Abdullah-b-Yazid al Khatamiya

‘O God! Adorn us with faith, and give guidance of those who received guidance’ -- H: Nisai. N: Ata’a-b-Saayeb

Apostle of God used to say at the end of the Fajr prayer: ‘O God! I seek from Thee knowledge which is profitable, action which is acceptable, and provision which is pure’ -- H: Ahmed, Ibn Majah and Baihaqi. N: Umme Salmah

‘O God! from Thee I seek refuge from undesirable manners, actions and passions’ – H: Tirmizi. N: Qutbah-b-Malik

‘O God! Purify my heart from hypocrisy, my actions from show, my tongue from lies and my eyes from breach of trust. Surely, Thou knoweth the treacherous eyes and what breasts conceal’. – H. Tirmizi. N: Umme Ma’had.

Ibn Abbas relates that the Prophet used to supplicate at the time of distress:
‘There is no god but God, most venerable and forbearing (La-ila-ha il-lal-la-hul Azeem-ul- Halim,) there is no god but God who is the Sustainer of the Exalted Throne (la-ila-ha il-lal-la-hu Rab-ul ar-shil- Azeem,) there is no god but God who is the Sustainer of heavens and the Sustainer of the earth and the Sustainer of the honoured throne.(la-ila-ha-il-lal-la-hu Rab-bus samawate wa rab-bul ardhe wa rab-bul ‘arshil Karim.)’ – Hadees Bukhari and Muslim.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


God says

Know, then, [O man,] that there is no deity save God, and [while there is yet time,] ask forgiveness for thy sins and for [the sins of] all other believing men and women: … Q.47:19

O our Sustainer! Grant us good in this world and good in the world to come and save us from the suffering of the Fire. -- Q.2:201

O our Lord! Make us not bear burdens which we have no strength to bear! And efface Thou our sins and grant us forgiveness and bestow Thy mercy upon us! Thou are our Lord Supreme: help us, then, against people who deny the truth! -- Q.2:286

“O our Sustainer! We have sinned against ourselves -- and unless Thou grant us forgiveness and bestow Thy mercy upon us, we shall most certainly be lost!” -- Q.7:23

“O my Sustainer! Cause me and my offspring to remain constant in prayer” -- Q.14:40

“(O our Sustainer!) Grant Thy forgiveness unto me, and my parent, and all the believers, on the Day when all the (last) reckoning will come to pass.” -- Q.14:41

“O our Lord! Bestow on us grace from Thyself, and endow us, whatever our (outward) condition, with consciousness of what is right!” -- Q.18:10

“O our Sustainer! Grant unto us spouses and offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and give us (Thy grace) to lead the righteous.”
-- Q.25:74

“O our Lord! Cause this our light to shine for us forever, and forgive us our sins: for, verily, Thou have the power to will anything!” -- Al-Qur’an

Prophet said

Supplication of the Prophet mostly was, ‘O God! Grant us good in this world, and good in the world to come, and save us from the suffering of the Fire.’ (Q.2:201) -- H: Bukhari and Muslim. N: Anas

‘When you are overcome (by grief or anxiety) say: God is sufficient for me – and how good is the One trusted (HASBUNAL LAHU WA NI’AMAL WAKEEL) -- H: Abu Daud. N: Arf-b-Malek.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


God says

….who is it that responds to the distressed when he calls out to Him, and who removes the ill [that caused the distress]….? Q.27:62

But your Sustainer says: “Call unto Me, [and] I shall respond to you! Verily, they who are too proud to worship Me will enter hell, abased!” -- Q.40:60

Prophet said

“Nothing but supplication averts the decree” -- H: Tirmizi. N: Salman-al-Farsi

“God becomes displeased with one who does not invoke Him” -- H: Tirmizi. N: Abu Hurairah.

“Invocation of a Muslim is accepted for a brother (Muslim) who is away from him. When he invokes for his brother, the commissioned angel near his head says: Be it so (Aameen); and for you the like rewards.” -- H: Muslim N: Abu Darda’a.


At the end of every obligatory (Farz) Prayer.

On Friday (specially during the last hour) .

In the latter half of the night (Tahajjud ).

At the time of breaking fast.

Between ‘Azan’ and ‘Iqamat’.

On the day of ‘Arafat.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


God says

[O Muhammad] when My servants ask you about Me, I am near; I respond to the call of one who calls, whenever he calls unto Me: let them, then, respond unto Me, and believe in Me, so that they might follow the right way.” -- Q.2:186

Call upon your Sustainer humbly, and in the secrecy of your hearts. Verily, He loves not those who transgress the bounds of what is right: hence, do not spread corruption on earth after it has been so well ordered. And call unto Him with fear and longing: verily, God’s grace is ever near unto the doers of good! -- Q.7:55,56

….And call unto Him with fear and longing: verily, God’s grace is ever near unto the doers of good! -- Q.7:56

Prophet said

Nu’man b-Basheer reported that the Apostle of God said, “Invocation* is worship”. Then he continued: “Your Lord said: call Me (and) I will respond to you” —H: Ahmed, Tirmizi, Abu Daud, Nisai, Ibn Majah.
* to call for with earnest desire; make supplication or pray for: to invoke God's mercy.

“Supplication is the heart of worship” -- H: Tirmizi. N: Anas

“God says : I am with My servant according to his expectation of Me, and when he remembers Me, I am with him with My mercy, if he remembers Me in mind I remember him likewise, and if he remembers Me in public, I remember him in a better assembly” – Hadith Qudsi: Bukhari and Muslim. N: Abu Huraira.

Friday, October 28, 2011

3.25. ZIKR AFTER FARZ PRAYER (concluded)

God says

Verily, I -- I alone – am God: there is no deity save Me. Hence worship Me alone and be constant in prayer, so as to remember Me ! * -- Q.20:14
*Thus, conscious remembrance of God and of His oneness and uniqueness is declared to be the innermost purpose, as well as the intellectual justification, of all true prayer.

O you who have attained to faith! Remember God with unceasing remembrance, and extol His limitless glory from morning till evening.* -- Q.33:41,42
* Lit. “at morning and evening”, i.e., at all times.

Prophet said

‘The best Zikr is: There is no deity but God (LA ILAHA ILLAL LAH), and the best invocation is: All praise is to God (ALHAMDU LILLAH)’ - Titmizi. Narrator: Jaber.

‘Before departing from the prayer at dawn whoever utters ten times LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHU WAHDAHU LA SHAREEKA LAHU LAHUL MULKU WA LAHUL HAMDU WA HUWA ‘ALA KULLI SHAIYIN QADEER – ten virtues are recorded for him for every utterance, ten sins are effaced from him, and ten ranks are raised up for him….’ – Part of H:Tirmizi. N: Abu Zarr.

Modes of Zikr.

Given below are a few hymns of great value.
TASBIH: ‘SUBHANAL LAH’ (Glory be to God).
TAKBIR: ‘ALLAHU AKBAR’ (God is the greatest).
TAHLIL : ‘LA ILAHA ILLAL LAH’ (There is no deity but God).
TAHMID: ‘AL HAMDU LILLAH’ (All praise is due to God alone).
TAQDIS : ‘SUBHANAL MALIKUL QUDDOOS’. (Glory be to the Holy King)
LAHAUL : ‘LA HAULA WALA QUWWATA ILLA BILLAH’ (There is no power and no might or movement except with God).

(Following combination of five hymns makes an excellent ZIKR.)

Friday, October 21, 2011

3.25. ZIKR AFTER FARZ PRAYER (to be continued)

God says

…and all men and women who remember God unceasingly: for [all of] them has God readied forgiveness of sins and a mighty reward. -- Q.33:35

The word ‘Zikr’ has very wide connotation. It is done at heart, done by tongue, and also by deed. Daily prayers, fasting, zakat, and Haj as well as any speech or act in obedience to God are only different modes of Zikr.

Choice and number of Zikr after the Farz prayer is entirely an optional matter.

Prophet said

I was praying while the Prophet (P.A.B.U.H) was present with Abu Bakr and Omer. (After the prayer) I sat down and began with praise to God and then blessings on the Prophet. Then I supplicated for myself. The Messenger of Allah said: “Seek and you will be given, seek and you will be given”.

In the light of the above Tradition quoted by Tirmizi on the authority of Abdullah-b-Masud: Recommended below is the Zikr after Farz before supplication,

(1) Say the following in bold letters three times:
(meanings below each are to be borne in mind)

(glory be to God and praise due to Him)
(as many times as the multitude of His creation)
(as much as the Pleasure of His Noble self)
(equal to the awesome weight of His Throne)
(as much as the ink of His Noble Words)

The above was commended by the Prophet (P.A.B.U.H)

(2) DUROOD SHARIF …ten times

Then supplicate.
Start with the famous supplication of prophet Abraham:
-- (Q.14:41)
(Grant Thy forgiveness unto me, and my parents,
and all the believers, on the Day on which
the [last] reckoning will come to pass”)

{Prayer, Zikr and supplication, all need our full attention,
because God does not listen to silent heart }

Friday, October 14, 2011

3.25. ZIKR AFTER FARZ PRAYER (to be continued)

God says

And when you have performed your acts of worship, [continue to] bear God in mind as you will bear your fathers in mind – nay, yet with a keener remembrance… Q.2:200

Prophet said

Saoban reported: When Messenger of God finished his prayer, he recited ‘Istaqhfar’ thrice and said: “Al-la-hum-ma An-tas Salam wa min-kas Salamo taba-rak-ta ya Zal-jalale wal ikraam” (O God, Thou art the Peace and from Thee is peace; Blessed art Thou, O Lord of Glory and honor) -- H: Muslim.

‘At the end of prayer (Farz), whoever recites ‘TASBIH(Subhanallah) ’ 33 times, ‘TAHMID (Alhamdulillah)’ 33 times, and ‘Takbir (Allaho Akbar) ’ 33 times, and completes the hundred by saying: la ilaha illal lahu wahdahu la shareeka lahu lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu wa huwa ‘ala kulli shaiyin qadeer * (There is no deity except God, He is One; There is no partner for Him; His is the kingdom, and for Him is all praise, and He has power over all things) his minor sins are forgiven if even if those are like the foams of the sea’ -- H: Muslim. N: Abu Hurairah.
*This kalimah should be taken to memory and recited morning and evening.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


God says

[Only they [truly] believe in Our messages],…. who are impelled to rise from their beds [at night] to call out to their Sustainer in fear and hope; and who spend on others out of what We provide for them as sustenance. -- Q.32:15,16

Behold, the God-conscious will find themselves amid gardens and springs, enjoying all that their Sustainer will have granted them [because] they were doers of good in the past [in the world]: they] would lie asleep during but a small part of the night, and would pray for forgiveness before the daybreak; and [would assign] in all that they possessed a due share unto such as may ask [for help] and such as might suffer privation.* Q.51:15-19
*Sc., “but could not beg” – and this applies to all living creatures, whether human beings or mute animals (Razi) irrespective of whether their need is of a physical or an emotional nature.

Imam Ghazali quotes thus about the famous Islamic figure: It is reported that someone dreamt of al-Junayd (may God sanctify his heart) after he had died, and asked, ‘What is the news ‘Abu I- Qasim?’ He said, ‘Those expressions were vide of the mark, and those counsels came to nothing. Nothing was of benefit to me except some small prayers I made in the middle of the night’.*
( Al-Ghazali :letter to a disciple – tr. by Tobias Mayer.)

*Allah-o-Akbar! Shows how important are the voluntary prayers at the time of Tahajjud? Desire to do it? Set the alarm clock or let someone wake you up for a few nights. It will become easy, then, for you to get up.

Prophet said

“Whoever gets up from sleep (later) in the night and says: LA ILAHA ILLAL LAHU, WAHDAHU- LA-SHAREEKA LAHU, LAHUL MULKU WA LAHUL HAMDU WA HUWA ‘ALA KULLI SHAIYIN QADEER (There is no deity except God; He is one; there is no partner for Him; His is the Kingdom, and for Him is all praise, and He has power over all things), and says: SUBHANAL LAHI, WAL HAMDU LILLAHI, WALA ILAHA ILLAL LAHU, WALLAHU AKBAR, WALA HAULA WALA QUWWATA ILLA BILLAH (Glory be to God, and praise be to God, and there is no deity but God, and God is the greatest, and there is no power and no movement except through God) and then he says: RABBIGH FIRLI (O Lord! Forgive); (after that) if he makes ablution and prays, his prayer will be accepted” -- H: Bukhari. N: Obadah-b-Swamit.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

3.24. PRAYER OPTIONAL: TAHAJJUD (to be continued)

God says

And rise from the sleep and pray during part of the night [as well], as a free offering from thee,*… Q.17:79
Lit., “as a deed beyond that which is incumbent on thee”— i.e., in addition to five obligatory prayers. Hence, the above is not an injunction but a recommendation, although the Prophet, to whom this is addressed, himself invariably spent the greater part of the night in prayer.

…and [true servants of the Most Gracious are they] who remember their Sustainer far into the night, prostrating themselves and standing; -- Q.25:64

Prophet said

“The Lord comes nearest to a servant in the middle of the later half of the night” -- H: Tirmizi. N: Amr-b-‘Abasah

“The most honorable of my followers are those who learn the Qur’an and (get up and) pray (late) at night.” -- H: Baihaqi. N: Ibn Abbas

“Make it a practice to stand at night (for prayer) because it was the practice of the pious before you, and it is a means of expiation of sins, and (also) a preventive measure from committing sin” -- H: Tirmizi. N: Abu Huraira.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

3.23. PRAYER : OPTIONAL (concluded)

God says

Nay – who is it that responds to the distressed when he calls out to Him, and who removes the ill [that caused the distress], and has made you inherit the earth?*… Q.27:62
*God having caused man to “inherit the earth” endowing him with specific faculties and abilities is an implicit denial of man’s claim that he is independent and “master of his fate”.
In fact, man should thank Him through optional prayer for the status and the facilities which have been accorded to him as inheritor of the earth, and should try to live up to his status by following the example of His Apostle as mentioned in 33:21: “Indeed in the messenger of God you have a good example for everyone who looks forward [with hope and awe] to God and the Last Day, and remembers God unceasingly”.

Prophet said

“Almighty God said…and My servant continues to seek nearness to Me through optional prayers until I love him. When I love him, I become his ear with which he hears, and his eyes with which he sees, and his hands with which he holds, and his legs with which he walks”* -- Hadith Qudsi: Bukhari. N: Abu Huraira.
*I.e., the God-given abilities, all of them, are used always and only as God wanted.

The five times prayers every day and Friday prayer are canonical or obligatory; traveler’s prayer is obligatory; prayer in time of danger is obligatory; sick man’s prayer is obligatory; vitr prayer is incumbent; taravih Prayer is sunnah and funeral prayer is compensatory. Besides, there are certain optional prayers, some to be performed daily and some for the occasion. Some of these are given below in alphabetical order:

AWABEEN : prayer after Maghrib.
HAAJAT: prayer in need.
ISHRAAQ: post sunrise prayer.
ISTIKHRA: prayer to seek divine guidance.
ISTISQUA: prayer for rain.
SALAT-UT-DUHA (CHASHT): forenoon prayer.
SALAT-UT-TASBIH: a very meritorious prayer.
TAHAJJUD: late night prayer, (very important)
TAHITA-UL-MASJID: prayer upon entering a mosque.
TAHITA-UL-VUZU: prayer after ablution.

Friday, September 16, 2011

3.23. PRAYER : OPTIONAL (to be continued)

God says

O you who believe! Seek aid in steadfast patience and prayer : for behold, God is with those who are patient in adversity. -- Q.2:153

Prophet said

“Offer prayers when you remember me” -- H: Bukhari. N: Anas.

PRAYER FOR FORGIVENESS: “Anyone who commits a sin and (on realization) makes ablution, prays and seeks forgiveness is forgiven” -- H: Tirmizi, Ibn Majah. Narrator: Ali.

PRAYER WHEN IN ADVERSITY: When any affair aggrieved the Prophet, he used to pray – H: Abu Daud. Narrator: Huzaifah.

REWARD OF ISHRAAQ PRAYER: “When you get up in the morning charity is due from every part of your body: All glorification of God (to say subhan-Allah) is charity; all praise of God (to say Al Hamdo Lillah) is charity; there is no god but God (to say La ilaha illal lah) is charity; God is the Greatest (to say Allaho Akbar ) is charity; enjoining the doing of good and forbidding the doing of evil is charity. Two Raka’t of prayer offered early after sunrise equal all this”* -- H: Muslim. N: Abu Zarr.
* Time to do Ishraq prayer begins 20 minutes after sunrise. Just in case one happens to perform Fajir prayer after sunrise, then the Ishraq prayer will be after the Fajir prayer.

SALATUT TASBIH: “Offer this prayer once a day if you can; or once a week; or once a month; or once a year; or once in your lifetime.” -- N: Abu Daud, Tirmizi, Ibn Majah. N: Ibn Abbas.

TAIHATUL MASJID: “When any of you enters a mosque, let him pray two Rak’ats before he sits.” – H: Bukhari and Muslim. N: Abu Qatadah.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


God says

.…And if you are in the state of requiring total ablution bath, purify yourself. But if you are ill, or are traveling, or have just satisfied a want of nature, or cohabited with a woman, and can find no water-- then take resort to pure dust, passing therewith lightly over your face and your hands (Tayammum). God does not want to impose any hardship on you, but wants to make you pure, and to bestow upon you the full measure of His blessing, so that you may cause to be grateful.

Prophet said

“Pray standing; if you are unable (to do it) then sitting; if (that too is) not possible then (lying) upon a side’ -- H: Bukhari. N: Imran-b-Husian

If a sick person cannot perform Ruk’u or Sajdah and cannot bend much then he should say prayers sitting nodding head a little more for Sajdah than for Ruk’u. One need not put pillow or other things in front to perform prostration (upon it). If he can’t sit up he can lie on with a pillow and keep his knees up; if he can’t do this then he should spread his legs towards Qibla and say prayers by signs and nodding, doing a little more for Sajdah than for Ruk’u. If he can’t say prayers even with signs and nodding, he can defer the prayers till he regains strength. If he does not gain strength within 24 hours or more, it is only then that the lost prayers are condoned as also in the case of losing consciousness for 24 hours or more.
(Handy Reference Book on Islam- Page 194)

Thursday, September 1, 2011


God says

Say [to mankind O Prophet]: “if you love God, follow me, [and] God will love you and forgive you your sins; for God is much-forgiving, most gracious. ” -- Q.3:31

Prophet said

“Whoever prays twelve rak’ahs in a day and night, there will be built for him a house in paradise: four before Zuhr farz and two after it; two after Maghrib farz; ; two after Isha farz ; and two rak’ahs before the Fajr prayer.” -- H: Tirmizi. N: Omme Habibah.
The above 12 rak’ahs are sunnat-e-Muakkeda (stressed ).

“The two sunnat rak’ahs of ‘Fajr’ are better than the world and what is therein” -- H: Muslim. Narrator: Bibi Ayesha.

Bibi Ayesha narrated, “When the Messenger of God finished two rak’ahs (sunnat) of Fajr prayer he used to talk to me if (by then) I was awake, and if not, he used to (just) lie in bed (till the followers were ready and he went to lead the the Farz prayer)” -- H: Bukhari and Muslim.
This indicates that there should be some gap between the sunnat prayer and the Farz, which these days, is generally done by recitation of the Qur’an or words of remembrance of God.

Friday, August 26, 2011


God says

…. And We have sent thee [O Muhammad] as an apostle unto all mankind: and none can bear witness [thereto] as God does. Whoever obeys the Apostle obeys God thereby; …. Q.4:79-80

Indeed in the Apostle of God you have an excellent example for everyone who looks forward [with hope and awe] to God and the Last Day, and remembers God unceasingly.* -- Q.33:21

For us, it will be a precious achievement here and for hereafter, if we become aware of God’s all-presence. It is easy, because we usually say “Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem” before we start any action. That is when we should recall that God is witnessing us,
as He says in Surah 10, verse 61.

Let’s start right now. He is witnessing us!

Prophet said

Bibi Ayesha narrated that every night the Prophet used to perform vitr prayer (either) at the first part of the night, or it’s middle, or it’s last – H: Bukhari and Muslim.
(It should be recalled that the Prophet spent the night sleeping at intervals and praying at intervals.)

Those days everyone, as a rule, performed Vitr prayer after Tahajjud . Bukhari and Muslim quote Abu Huraira that the Prophet permitted him to do it before going to sleep as he could not rise for the late night prayer due to his over- engagement in connection with the preservation of the Traditions at night.
(This indicates that occupation with religious learning has priority over optional prayers) – Al-Hadis

Sunnat prayers are of two types: Sunnat-e-Muakkedah (stressed to be performed) -- always observed by the Prophet.
Insha Allah, details of the above will be posted next Friday.

Sunnat-e-Ghair Muakkedah – are those which were occasionally observed by the Prophet, and hence, not stressed.

Friday, August 19, 2011


God says

And when the prayer [of Friday congregation] is ended, disperse freely on earth* and seek to obtain [something] of God’s bounty; but remember God often**, so that you might attain to a happy state! -- Q.62:10
* I.e., “you may devote yourself to worldly pursuits”. As the sequence shows in the above verse, Friday is not the day of complete rest in Islamic Law.
** So that we may not overlook religious and moral obligations in our worldly pursuits.
(In devoting ourselves to worldly pursuits do we remember God often?)

Prophet said

“To God Friday is a greater day* than the day of Sacrifice Idd-ul-Azha and the day of Fitr (Idd-ul-Fitr)’” – H: Ibn Majah. Narrator: Abu Hobabah.
*Because, in the system of Islam Friday congregation brings the community together every week and perhaps it is because of that it is Farz, whereas the two Idd are not.

“Verily there is an hour on Friday in which, when a Muslim servant (of God) seeks good from Him, He grants it” -- H: Bukhari and Muslim. Narr: Abu Hurairah.
There are nearly thirty three Traditions relating to the special hour on Friday.

“Seek the hour which is so hoped for on Friday after Asr prayer till the setting of the sun.” —H: Anas. N: Tirmizi.

“Obligatory prayers five times a day, and one Friday prayer upto (the next) Friday prayer, and fasting (during a) month (of Ramadan) upto (the next Ramadan) fasts cause expiation (of sins) which come to pass in their midst provided the major sins are avoided.” -- H: Bukhari and Muslim. Narrator: Abu Hurairah.

“Increase blessings on me on Friday, because it is witnessed; angels witness it. And nobody sends blessings on me but it is presented to me till he is free from it.” Abu Darda’a said that he asked: and after death? The Prophet replied, “Indeed God has made unlawful for the earth that it should consume the bodies of the prophets”; so the Prophet of God is alive and is given provision. – H: Ibn Majah. N: Abu Darda’a.

Friday, August 12, 2011


God says

O you who have attained to faith! When the call to prayer is sounded on the day of congregation hasten, to the remembrance of God and leave all worldly commerce:* this is for your own good, if you but knew it. – Q.62:9
*I.e., on Friday, when congregational prayer at noon is obligatory.

Please always remember to use the honorifics:

After name or title of the Prophet say: “Sal-lal- lahu ‘Alaihi wa Sal-lam”; (peace and blessings be upon him)
After the name or the title of every prophet (nabi) and apostle (rasul) say:
“ ‘Alai hissalaam” (peace be upon him or them)
After the name of their family member, as well as a companion, say:
“Radi Allahu ‘Anhu—or ‘Anha—or ‘Anhum ”
(may God be pleased with him--or her--or them)
And for others, say: “Rahmat-Allah-e-‘Alaih”
(God’s mercy be upon him)

Prophet said

“Friday (prayer) is binding upon every Muslim except upon four: a slave, a woman, a (small) boy, and a sick man.” – H: Abu Daud. N: Tariq-b-Shehab.
It is optional for these four categories.

“Whoever gives up three Friday prayers by way of neglect, God will seal up his heart.’ – H: Abu Daud, Tirmizi, Nisai, Ibn Majah. N: Abu Ja`ad-az-Zumairi.

“Whoever holds conversation on Friday, while the Imam is delivering the Sermon, is like an ass who carries books; and one who tells him, ‘Be silent’, there is no Jumah for him” – H: Ahmed. N: Ibn Abbas

“When any of you feels drowsy, (in the mosque before the prayer,) on Friday, let him change his place.” -- H: Tirmizi. N: Ibn Omar

Mu`az-b-Anas reported that the Prophet prohibited from sitting with legs raised on Friday while the Imam delivers the sermon (Khutba) – H: Tirmizi.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


God says

But if you are in danger [pray] walking or riding;* and when you are again secure, bear God in mind – since it is He who taught you what you did not previously know. – Q.2:239
* This relates to any dangerous situation – for instance, in war – where remaining for any length of time at one place would only increase the peril: in such an event, the obligatory prayers may be offered in any way that is feasible, even without considering the direction to qiblah.

…. And know that God intervenes between man and [the desires of] his heart,* and that unto Him you shall be gathered. -- Q.8:24
*I.e., between a man’s desire and the outward action that may result from those desires: indicating that God can turn man away from what his heart urges him to do (Raghib). In other words, it is God-consciousness alone that can prevent man from being misled by wrong desires and, thus, from becoming like “those deaf, those dumb ones who do not use their reason” (verse 8: 22); and it is God-consciousness alone that enables man to follow the call “unto that gives life” – that is spiritual awareness of right and wrong and the will to act accordingly.

Prophet said

“Pray standing; if you are unable, then sitting; if (still) unable then (lying) upon a side” – H: Bukhari and Muslim.

When travelling Apostle of God used to combine Zuhr with Asr, and Maghrib with Isha – H: Bukhari. N: Ibn Abbas.

It seems, however, that a traveler is free to choose his own line of action for his prayer in a journey depending upon the convenience or problem in performing his prayer.

God made the prayers obligatory through the instruction of your Prophet (thus): four “Rakats” when resident, two “Rakats” in journey, and one “Rakat” when in danger – H: Muslim. N: Ibn Abbas

Friday, July 29, 2011

Ramadhan Special

[Example: Soorat al Fatihah]

In a hadith qudsi,* the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) said: “Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, has said: I have divided the prayer between Myself and My servant, and My servant shall have what he has asked for.
When the servant says: Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds,
Allah the Exalted says: My servant has praised Me.
When the servant says: The, Ever Graceful the Most Gracious,
Allah the Exalted says: My servant has Exalted Me.
When the servant says: Master of the Day of Judgement,
Allah the Exalted says: My servant has glorified Me.
When the servant says: It is You alone do we worship and it is You alone we ask for help,
Allah the Exalted says: This is between Me and My servant, and My servant shall have what he has asked for.
When the servant says: Guide us to the straight way, the way of those on whom You have bestowed Your grace, those whose portion is not wrath, and who go not astray,
Allah the Exalted says: All these are for My servant, and My servant shall have what he has asked for.”-- Saheeh Muslim.

*hadith qudsi: ‘sacred hadith’: a hadith communicated to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) by Allah, but it is not part of the Qur’an.

(Adapted from Al- Khushoo‘ by Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid)

How wonderful! God the Exalted responds the prayer, and says in verse 4 of Surah 73: “ recite the Quran calmly and distinctly with thy mind attuned to its meaning.”

What could be better ‘ibadat in Ramadhan than to spend affordable time in understanding the Qur’an, its meanings and explanations, rather than reading God’s Message without understanding!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

3.16. PRAYER: THE ASCENT OF MAN (concluded)

God says

So remember Me and I shall remember you; … Q2:152

And if My servants ask thee about Me, I am near; I respond to the call of him who calls, whenever he calls unto Me: let them, then, respond unto Me, and believe in Me, so that they might follow the right way. -- Q2:186

And bring your Lord to remembrance in your very soul, with humility and
reverence,…. Q.7:205

Prophet said

“Worship God as if you see Him, and if you don’t see Him, He certainly sees you” – H: Muslim. N: Omar-bin-al-Khattab

“A servant becomes nearest to his Lord while he is in prostration; …” – H: Muslim. N: Abu Hurairah

Prayer is a living experience for those who turn to God with the whole mind turned towards Him, inspired by the awe of Him, and reflecting upon His word with devotion while praying, extolling His glory and praising Him

confirming their relationship with Him : IYYAKA N`A BUDU WA IYYAKA NASTA’EEN ; asking for His guidance : IHDINAS SIRATAL MUSTAQEEM; and listening to Him in the recitation from Quran that follows; bowing down, extolling His glory; and standing up from the “ru’ku” listening to: “God heard him/her who praised Him” and, thereupon, with a deep sense of gratitude and humility touching the ground with their foreheads – drawing closer, still closer: the ascent of the humans to God!

Friday, July 15, 2011

3.16. PRAYER: THE ASCENT OF MAN (to continue)

God says

[true servants of the Most Gracious are (only) those] and who remember their Sustainer far into the night, prostrating themselves and standing; -- Q.25:64

“Your Sustainer says “Call unto Me, [and] I shall respond to you! …” Q.40: 60

Prostrate yourself [before God] and draw close to Him.* -- Q96:19
* Prostration is the climax of each rakat, repeated twice, drawing one close to God again and again.

Prophet said

“There is concentration* in prayer” – H: Bukhari and Muslim. N: Abdullah-b-Masud
* I.e., prayer is performed with concentration.

“Recite the Qur’an morning and evening, recite in a good voice and reflect upon it,* so that you may be rewarded” – H: Mishkat. N: Ubaidah.
*The Tradition is directing us to understand the verses when we perform our prayer because it is only then we can “reflect” upon it.

God says about the Quran in 38:29 “[This is] a Book which We have sent down to you, full of blessings that they may ponder over its verses, and that people of understanding may remember.” Quran with Tafseer i.e., commentaries and explanations are today available to help us to understand. God also says in 25:73 “And those who, when they are reminded of the verses, do not fall deaf and blind at that.” Hence, necessary to gradually learn the meanings of what we recite in the prayer and understand it. The matter needs urgent attention, as it will be in the direction of performing the prayer in communion with God.

Friday, July 8, 2011


God says

Be ever-mindful of prayers and of praying in the most excellent way,* and stand before God in devout obedience. -- Q.2:238
* Lit., “the mid-most” (or “the most excellent) prayer. According to Muhammad ‘Abduh, it may mean “the noblest kind of prayer—that is, a prayer from the fullness of the heart, with the whole mind turned towards God, inspired by the awe of Him, and reflecting upon His word, ( manar 2).

O you who have attained to faith! Be conscious of God with all the consciousness that is due to Him,… Q.3:102

... those who believe in the life to come do believe in this [Book]; and it is they who are ever-mindful of their prayers. -- Q.6:92

… and do not allow yourself to be heedless [in prayer]. – Q.7:205

Woe to praying ones who are heedless* in their prayer -- Q.107:4
*I.e., knowingly unmindful of prayer.

Prophet said

“Prayer performed in the early time is to please God and performed later in time is to ask His forgiveness.” – H: Tirmizi. N: Ibn Umar

“…The person, who does not bow down (properly in prayer) and does not prostrate well, in fact steals in prayer.” – H: Ahmed. N: Abu Qatada

“Whoever becomes Imam of a people, let him make the prayer easy because among them are the old, and the sick, and the infirm, and among them there are those who have (to attend to) other needs” – N: Osman-b-Abil`Aas

Friday, June 24, 2011


God says

Verily, for all believers prayer is indeed a sacred duty linked to particular times [of day]. -- Q.4: 103

And be consistent in praying at the beginning and the end of the day as well as during the early watches of the night; for, verily, good deeds drive away evil deeds: this is a reminder to all who bear (God) in mind

…Say : “Verily, God’s guidance is the only guidance: and so we have been directed to surrender ourselves unto the Sustainer of all the worlds, and to be constant in prayer and conscious of Him: for it is He unto whom you all shall be gathered.” -- Q.6:71--72

Prophet said

When asked which action was best the Messenger of God said: “Prayer in its initial time” – H: Ahmed, Tirmizi and Abu Daud. N: Omme Farwah

“To offer prayer early in time is to please God and to offer prayer late in time is to ask God’s forgiveness” – H: TIrmizi. N: Ibn Umar.

“The first action for which a servant (of God) will be taken into account on the Resurrection Day will be his prayer” -- H: Abu Daud and Ahmed. N: Abu Hurairah

The Prophet called (a man who had committed a sin) and recited the verse 11:114 of the Qur’an. (See the last verse of this topic.) Someone asked: O Apostle of God! Is it specially for Him? He replied: “Rather for the whole mankind.” H: Muslim. N: Abdullah-b-Masud

Thursday, June 16, 2011

3.12. PRAYER (Salat)

God says

And bid your people to pray, and persevere therein.
-- Q.20: 132

O you who believe! When the sound of prayer is sounded on the day of congregation,* hasten to the remembrance of God, and leave all worldly commerce: this is for your own good, if you but knew it. And when the prayer is ended, disperse freely on earth** and seek to obtain (something) of God’s bounty; but remember God often,*** so that you might attain to a happy state! -- Q.62: 9--10

* I.e., on Friday, when the congregational prayer at noon is obligatory. Nevertheless, as the sequence shows, Friday is not a day of compulsory rest in Islamic Law.

** I.e., “you may devote yourselves to worldly pursuits” (In devoting ourselves to worldly pursuits do we remember God often?)

[dwelling] in gardens [of paradise], they [the righteous] will inquire of those who were guilty: “What has brought you into hell-fire ?” They will answer: “We were not among those who prayed,” -- Q.74: 40-43

Prophet said

“Whoever gives up three Friday prayers by way of neglect, God will seal up his heart.’ – H: Abu Daud, Tirmizi, Nisai, Ibn Majah. N: Abu Ja`ad-az-Zumairi.

“Offer prayers when you remember me” – H: Bukhari . N: Anas

“Between a Muslim and disbelief (kufr) the distinctive mark is prayer”
-- H: Muslim. N: Jaber.

The Prophet wrote to his governors: “Verily, the most important of your affair to me is prayer. Whoever protects* it and takes care of it protects his religion…” – H: Maalik. N: Omar-b-Khattab.

*I.e., prays regularly, with due rites, on time, and truly remembering God.

Friday, June 10, 2011

3.12. PRAYER (Salat)

God says

Be constant in (thy) prayer from the time the sun has passed its zenith till the darkness of night,* and (be ever mindful of its) recitation at dawn: for behold, the recitation (of prayer) at dawn is indeed witnessed.**
-- Q.17: 78

*As is evidenced by the practice (sunnah) of the Prophet this verse fully circumscribes the five daily prayers laid down in Islam as obligatory for every adult man and woman.

** Most of the classical commentators take this to mean “witnessed by the angels of night as well as those of the day” since dawn is the time between night and day. Razi, however, is of the opinion that “witness” to which the Qur’an refers here is the spark of God-given illumination in man’s own soul – the heightening of his inner perception at the time when the darkness and stillness of night begins to give way to the life-giving light of day, so that prayer becomes a means of attaining deeper insight into the realm of spiritual truths and, thus, of achieving communion with all that is holy.

[God spoke to Moses] Verily, I – I alone – am God; there is no deity save Me. Hence, worship Me alone, and be constant in prayer, so as to remember Me! * -- Q.20: 14

*Thus conscious remembrance of God and of His oneness and uniqueness is declared to be the innermost purpose, as well as, intellectual justification, of all true prayer.

Prophet said

“Order your children to pray when they are boys of seven years, and at the age of ten if they do not pray, punish them…” -- H: Abu Daud. N: Amr-b-Shoaib from his grandfather.

“Whoever forgets to pray, or falls asleep, his expiration is that he shall pray when he remembers it” – H: Bukhari and Muslim. N: Anas

Salat is mentioned 82 times in the Quran.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

3.11. ABLUTION (wuzu)

God says

O you who have attained to faith! When you prepare for prayer, wash your faces and your hands and arms upto elbows, pass your (wet) hands lightly over your head, and wash your feet upto ankles….. Q5:6

(Washing of mouth, throat and nose are sunnat of wuzu.)

Ablution is a transition to prayer: turning of mind to remembrance of God, while washing each part patiently and properly.

Start by saying ‘BISMILLAHI WAL HAMDU LILLAH’ (I begin with the name of God and all praise be to God) and at the end recite: ‘ASH HADU AL LA ILA HA IL LAL LAHU, WAH DAHU LA SHAREEKA LAHU, WA ASH HADU ANNA MUHAMMADAN ‘ABDU HU WA RUSOOLU HU.’

It is preferable to maintain silence, cleansing the mind from thoughts other than remembrance of God, in preparation of prayer.

…..If you are in a state of ceremonial impurity, bathe your whole body. But if you are ill or are traveling, or have just satisfied a call of nature, or have cohabited (your) women, and can find no water – then take resort to pure dust passing (your palms) therewith lightly over your face and your hands. -- Q.5:6

Prophet said

“Whoever performs ablution and performs it well*, his sins come out of his body till they come out even from under his nails” – H: Bukhari and Muslim. N: Osman.

* More than three times is forbidden.

Holy Prophet passed by Sa`ad while he was performing ablution and asked, “Why is this extravagance?” Sa`ad enquired: Is there any extravagance in ablution?

“Yes” said the Prophet, “Even though you may be doing it from a flowing rivulet.” -- H: Ahmed and Ibn Majah. N: Abdullah-b-Amr-b-al-‘Aas

Moral of this to be followed is that abundance of any resource, not only water, must not result in its abuse i.e., its excess.

Friday, May 27, 2011

God says

…God loves those who turn to Him in repentance, and he loves those who keep themselves pure.
- Q.2:222

For action in the case of a state of ceremonial impurity, see Q.5: 6 next Friday.

To a happy state shall indeed attain he who causes his [self] to grow in purity, and truly lost is he who buries it [in darkness]. -- Q.91:7-10

* The reference to man and that which constitutes the “human personality”, as well as the implied allusion to the extremely complex phenomenon of a life-entity in which bodily needs and urges, emotions and intellectual activities are so closely intertwined
as to be indissoluble, follows organically upon a call to consider inexplicable grandeur of the universe (verses 1-6) – so far as it is perceptible and comprehensible to man – as a compelling evidence of God’s creative power.

** Lit., “and [consider] that which has inspired it with its immoral doings (fujraha) and its Gid-consciousness (taqwaha)”—i.e., the fact that human being is equally liable to rise to great spiritual heights as to fall into utter immorality is an essential characteristic of human nature as such. In its deepest sense, man’s ability to act
wrongly runs parallel with his ability to act rightly: in other words, it is this inherent
polarity of tendencies which gives to every “right” choice a value and, thus, endows man with moral free will.

Prophet said

“Cleanliness is half the faith*…” – H: Muslim. N: Abu Malik al Ashari

*Because faith destroys physical as well as mental impurities and also makes redemption of minor as well as major sins.

“Cleanliness is the key to prayer” -- H: Abu Daud, Tirmizi and Darimi. N: Ali. (Ibn Majah reported it from Abu Sayeed)

“God looks not at your appearance, nor at your wealth; but he looks at your hearts and deeds” – H: Muslim. N: Abu Hurairah

Saturday, May 21, 2011


God says

those who have attained to faith love God more than all else. -- Q.2: 165

And when you have performed your acts of worship, [continue to] bear God in mind as you will bear your fathers in mind – nay, yet with a keener remembrance. -- Q. 2: 200

God loves those who are conscious of Him.* -- Q. 9: 4

* “God-conscious”

Word ‘Muttaqeen’, (singular: Muttaqi) from Arabic ‘Taqwa’ appears again and again in the Qur’an vitally linked to a Believer’s life. Muhammad Asad uses ‘God-consciousness’ as the translation for ‘Taqwa’ and explains its comprehensive meaning below:

“Conventional translation of Muttaqi as “God-Fearing’ does not adequately render the positive content of this expression -- namely, the awareness of His all-presence and the desire to mould one’s existence in the Light of this awareness; while the interpretation adopted by some translators “one who guards himself from evil” or “one who is careful of his duty”, does not give more than one particular aspect of the God-consciousness.

(God said to the Prophet) Say: ‘If you do love God, follow me, God will love you and forgive you your sins.’ -- Q.3: 31

Say: “If it be that your fathers, your sons, your mates, your clan; the wealth you have acquired, the commerce in which you fear a decline; or the dwellings in which you delight- (if all these) are dearer to you than God and His Apostle and the struggle in his cause, then wait until God brings about His decision: and God does not guide the rebellious. ” -- Q.9: 24

Prophet said

A man came to the Holy Prophet and asked about the Day of Resurrection. The Prophet enquired him what preparation he had made for it. The man said: I am not prepared for it except that I love God and His Apostle. The Holy Prophet said, “You will be with those whom you love.” Muslims were never so happy as they were after hearing it. – H: Bukhari and Muslim. N: Anas

“Nobody has truly attained to faith till I become dearer than his parents, his children and all mankind.” – H: Bukhari and Muslim. N: Anas

“The best of you are those who, when seen, remind of God.” – H: Ibn Majah. N: Asm`a-b-Yezid

Friday, May 13, 2011


God says

Behold, Satan is a foe unto you: so treat him as a foe…. Q.35: 6

But as for anyone who chooses to remain blind to the remembrance of the Most Gracious, to him We assign an [enduring] evil impulse, to become his other self: whereupon, behold, these [evil impulses] bar all such from the path [of truth], making them think that they are guided aright! -- Q.43: 36--37

Most of you love the fleeting life of this world and give no thought to the life to come [and judgment Day]! -- Q.75: 20--21

But unto Him who shall have stood in fear of His Sustainer`s presence, and held back his inner self from base desires, paradise will truly be a goal! -- Q.79: 40--41

To a happy state shall indeed attain he who causes his [self] to grow in purity, and truly lost is he who buries it [in darkness]. -- Q.91: 9--10

Prophet said

“The most fearful of what I fear for my followers is baser passion and prolonged hope…” -- H: Baihaqi. N: Jaber

Fragment of a long Tradition quoted by Bukhari and Muslim on the authority of Abu Hurairah: of the seven (catagories) of persons whom God will take under the shade of His Throne on the Day when there will be no other shade, one will be, the Prophet said, “Whom a young girl of accomplishment and beauty tempts and who says : certainly I fear God.”

Thursday, May 5, 2011


God says

…. (O mankind!) follow not Satan’s footsteps: for, verily, he is your open foe, and bids you only to do evil, and to commit deeds of abomination, … Q.2: 168--169

And tell them [O Prophet] what happens to him to whom We conveyed Our messages and who discards them: Satan catches up with him, and he goes astray, like so many others, into grievous error.*Now had We so willed, We could indeed have exalted him by means of those [messages]: but he always clung to the earth and followed but his own desires…. Q.7: 175--176

*In the original this whole verse is in the past tense; but since its obvious purport is
the statement of a general truth (cf. Razi, on the authority of Qatadah, ‘Ikrimah and Abu Muslim) and not as some commentators assume a reference to a particular person, it is best rendered in the present tense. The kind of man spoken of here is one who has understood the divine messages but, nevertheless, refuses to admit its truth because – as pointed out in the next verse above – he “clings to the earth”, i.e., is dominated by a materialistic, “earthly” outlook on life.

Prophet said

“The (Hell) fire is surrounded by passionate desires” – H: Bukhari and Muslim. N: Abu Hurairah

Friday, April 29, 2011

3. 07. THE OTHER JIHAD (concluded)

God says

Whoever strives hard, strives for his own soul, for, verily, God does not stand in need of anything in all the world! As for those who attain to faith and do righteous deeds, We shall most certainly efface their [previous] bad deeds, and shall most certainly reward them in accordance with the best that the ever did. -- Q.29:6

But as for those who strive hard for Us – We will most certainly guide them to Our paths: for , verily God is with those who are doers of good. -- Q.29:69

…And how excellent a reward will it be for those who laboured [in God’s way]! -- Q.39: 74

….But all who take Satan rather than God for their master do indeed, most clearly, lose all: he holds out promises to them, and fills them with vain desires: yet whatever Satan promises them is but meant to delude the mind.* Such as these have hell for their goal: and they shall find no way to escape there from. Q. 4:118-121
* The term ghurur signifies anything by which the mind is beguiled or deceived – for instance, utter self-abandonment to earthly joys, or the absurd belief that there is no limit to man’s aims and achievements.

Prophet said

“Performing the ablution properly, going to the mosque frequently for prayers even in difficult and distressing circumstances and waiting for the next prayer after one is over: This is your Jihad in the cause of God” – H. Muslim (excerpt). N: Abu Hurairah. (‘Riyadh-us-saleheen’, vol. 1, page 91, H:131.)

A man came and asked the permission for Jihad. The Holy Prophet enquired, “Are your parents still alive?” He said: yes. The Holy Prophet said, “Then you strive hard in serving them.” – H: Bukhari. N: Abdullah-b-Omer

The headstrong condition of self called ‘Ammara’, seeks satisfaction in the base desires leading to spiritual ruin. If ever it becomes aware and conscious of sin, then it starts struggle to resist it. This becomes the hopeful sign.

Friday, April 22, 2011

3. 07. THE OTHER JIHAD (To be cont.)

God says

-- He it is who has made you inherit the earth, and has raised some of you by degree above others, so that He might try you by means of what He has bestowed upon you.* Verily, thy Sustainer is swift in retribution: yet, behold, He is indeed much- forgiving, most gracious.
-- Q.6: 165
*Lit., by way of character, strength, knowledge, social position, wealth etc.

Strive hard in God’s cause with all the striving that is due to Him…..

And say: “O my Sustainer! I seek refuge with Thee from the promptings of all evil impulses;* (98) and I seek refuge with Thee, O my Sustainer, lest they come near unto me!”
-- Q.23:97,98
* Lit., “of the satans” or “satanic forces”. Satans (shayatin, pl. of shaytan). In accordance with ancient Arabic usage, this term often denotes people “who, through their insolent persistence in evildoing, have become like satans” (Zamakhshari): However, the term shaytan is often used in the Qur’an to describe the “satanic” (i.e., exceedingly evil) uncontrollable tendencies in man’s own soul, and especially all impulses which run counter to truth and morality (Raghib).

…. the Day on which neither wealth will be of any use, nor children, (and when) only he (will be happy) who comes before God with a heart free of evil!
-- Q.26:88,89

Prophet said

“One who strives for the widows and the poor is like one who struggles (jihad) in the way of God”, said the Prophet, “I shall regard him as one who stands up (for prayer) without rest and as one who fasts without break” *
– H: Bukhari, Muslim and other compilations. N: Abu Hurairah

Friday, April 15, 2011


God says

Say: “My Sustainer has [but] enjoined the doing what is right; and [He desires you to] put your whole being into every act of worship, and to call unto Him, sincere in your faith in Him alone. As it was he who brought you into being in the first instance, so also [unto Him] you will return: some [of you] He will have graced with His guidance, whereas for some a straying from the right path will have become unavoidable:* for, behold, they will have taken [their own] evil impulses for their masters in preference to God, thinking all the while that they have found the right path!” -- Q. 7:29,30
* Lit., “will have becomeincumbent upon them”(haqqa ‘alayhim), implying that this straying was an inevitable consequence of their doings and attitudes.

Indeed, man’s inner self does incite him to evil, … Q.12:53

And [on the Day of Judgment] when everything will have been decided, Satan will say [to the sinners]: “Behold, God promised you something that was bound to come true!* I, too, held out [all manner of] promises to you – but I deceived you. Yet I had no power at all over you: I but called you – and you responded unto me. Hence, blame not me, blame yourselves.** It is not for me to respond to your cries [for help now], nor for you to respond to mine***: for, behold, I have [always] refused to admit that there was any truth in your erstwhile belief that I had a share in God’s divinity.**** -- Q.14:22
* Promise of resurrection and last judgment
** In his commentary on this passage, Razi remarks: “This verse shows that the real Satan is [man’s own] complex of desires (an-nafs): for, Satan makes it clear [in the above] that it was only by means of insinuations (waswasah) that he was able to reach [the sinner’s soul]; and had it not been for an already-existing [evil] disposition due to lusts, anger, superstition or fanciful ideas, these [satanic] insinuations would have had no effect whatsoever.”
*** I.e., “I cannot respond to your call for help, just as you should not have, in your lifetime, responded to my call.”

Prophet said

The Holy Prophet said to the people who returned from war: “Welcome to you all; you have come from the smaller fight to the greatest one.” They enquired about the greatest one. He said, “Fighting against (baser instincts of) the self” – H: Baihaqi. N: Jaber

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Now before any change in us can take place, we need to reexamine our outlook on prayer. Ask yourself: Why do I pray? Is it just because I have to? Is it just to get this daily duty out of the way and over with? Or maybe it is because everyone just does it so I do it too?

It’s time to make a change. We need to start praying out of sincere Love. Pray out of longing to be with the one you love. Pray.. for the peace and comfort that comes from being with the one you love. There are 3 reasons which make you love someone:

1. Either because that someone is beautiful!
2. Or because that someone always deals kindly with you.
3. Or because that someone has done many favors for you.
Think of Allah now. He is all of the above and more, isn’t He? Doesn’t He then deserve to be the most worthy of our love over everything and anyone else? To truly love Allah is to truly taste the greatest love in existence! It is to truly taste the beauty of faith:

- As to Allah’s beauty, look around at all that is beautiful in creation, be it inner or outer beauty.. It is all but a small hint to the ultimate beauty He beholds. If every person was created with the beauty of Prophet Yusuf (Peace Be Upon Him) and this total beauty was combined with the beauty of everything we see around us- all this in comparison to the beauty of Allah, would be like that of a weak candle light to the brightness of the sun! And Allah’s beauty is unique, for it’s coupled with everlasting glory! And just think. He sets this Most Beautiful, Glorious Face to yours when you stand in prayer!

- Allah’s beauty is so immense that we cannot see Him in this world, for if He were to manifest to us His glory, it would burn everything in existence! Recall what happened to Prophet Musa (Peace Be Upon Him) when he once asked to see Allah. Allah said, “You cannot see Me. But look upon the mountain, if it remains firm in place then you will be able to see Me.”

To this, Allah manifested Himself to the mountain, and the mountain crumbled in total annihilation! Musa (Peace Be Upon Him) collapsed, and fainted (see 7:143). This was what happened to Musa (Peace Be Upon Him) when he only saw the mountain which saw Allah’s beauty. So imagine if it was a direct sight!

- As to Allah’s kindness and favors upon us, just close your eyes momentarily to appreciate just the gift of sight alone. If we were to count His favors upon us, never will we be able to enumerate them. And sometimes we gripe when a favor has not been granted us. Don’t we then realize in hindsight, that it was much better for us this 3 way? The denial of this favor, we realize later, was a favor in itself. For Allah has nothing but good.

- And Imagine. When we dare and sin against Him, we sin using the very gifts and blessings He has given us! But out of His love and mercy for us, He continues to guard over us and protect us, even while we’re in the act! You will not find anyone more kind; you will not find anyone more giving. You will not find anyone more worthy of your love than He.

Remember this: The sweetness of this life lies in remembering Him, the sweetness of the next life lies in seeing Him! The next time you proceed for prayer, go because you love Him, go because you miss Him and long to be with Him. Feel your heart flutter. Only then, will you be on your way to attaining that inner peace and comfort Salah was prescribed for.