Friday, December 9, 2011
3.30. ZAKAT: THE BENEFIT TAX (to be continued)
God says
PIETY -- “[Truly pious is he who among other things] spends his substance however much he himself may cherish it” -- Q.2:177
‘INCREASE’ AND ‘FORGINENESS’ -- “Satan threatens you with the prospect of poverty and bids you to be niggardly, whereas God promises you His forgiveness and bounty”-- Q.2:268.
MUCH, MUCH INCREASE --The parable of those who spend their possessions for the sake of God is that of a grain out of which grow seven ears, in every ear a hundred grains: for God grants manifold increase unto whom He wills; and God is infinite, all-knowing.-- Q.2:261,262
“[Hence O Prophet!] accept [for collection] that part of their possessions which is offered for the sake of God, so that you may cleanse them thereby and cause them grow in purity”…. Q.9:103 (This primarily denotes Zakat)
Truly to a happy state shall attain the believers: those who humble themselves in their prayer, and who turn away from all that is frivolous, and who are intent on inner purity;* -- Q.23:1-4
* Lit., “working for” or “active in behalf of [inner] purity”, which is the meaning of zakah in this context (Zamakhshari; the same interpretation has been advanced by Abu Muslim).
Prophet said
‘For one who acquires wealth, there is no zakat due till a year passes over it.’ -- H: Tirmizi. N: Ibn Omer
Ali reported : Abbas asked the Prophet about advance payment of Zakat before a year passed. He gave permission for that -- H: Ibn Majah, Tirmizi & Abu Daud.
The literal meanings of Zakat are “purification” and “increase”. No wonder, its payment is made obligatory for the benefit of every Muslim possessing more than the wealth amounting to “Nisab”, after one year passes over it. Zakat encourages circulation of wealth, discourages its stagnation, and forms an integral part of the system of economics in Islam.