Friday, January 20, 2012


God says

It was the month of Ramadan in which the Qur’an was [first] bestowed from on high as guidance unto man a self-evident proof of guidance and as the standard by which to discern true from the false…. Q.2:185

From on high have We bestowed this (Qur’an) on the Night of Destiny*. And what would make you conceive what is the Night of Destiny? The Night of Destiny is better than a thousand months: in hosts descend in it the angles, bearing divine inspiration by their Sustainer’s permission; (that night is Peace until the rise of Dawn. -- Q.97:1-5
* or: “of Almightyness” or “of Majesty”-- thus describing the night on which the Prophet received his first revelation. On the basis of several Traditions it may be assumed that it was one of last ten nights- probably the twenty seventh of the month of Ramadan.

Prophet said

Bibi Ayesha related that she asked: O Prophet of God! If I recognize the Night of Majesty, what should I do? The Prophet said, “Utter Frequently: ALLAHUMMA INNAKA ‘AFOOWUN, TUHIBBUL‘AFWA, F’AFU ANNI (O God! Thou are Oft-Forgiving, loving forgiveness, please forgive me)” - H: Ahmed, Ibn Majah, Tirmizi. (Authentic)

Please always remember to use the honorifics:
name or title of the Prophet say: “Sal-lal- lahu ‘Alaihi wa Sal-lam”;
(peace and blessings be upon him)
After the name or the title of every prophet (nabi) and apostle (rasul) say:
“ ‘Alai hissalaam” (peace be upon him or them)
After the name of their family member, as well as a companion, say:
“Radi Allahu ‘Anhu—or ‘Anha—or ‘Anhum ”
(may God be pleased with him--or her--or them)
And for others, say: “Rahmat-Allah-e-‘Alaih”
(God’s mercy be upon him)