God says
O you who have attained to faith! Behold, many of the rabbis and monks do indeed wrongfully devour men’s possessions and turn [others] away from the path of God. But as for all who lay up treasures of gold and silver and do not spend them for the sake of God* -- give them the tiding, [O Muhammad,] of grievous suffering [in the life to come]: on the Day when [that hoarded wealth] shall be heated in the fire of hell and their foreheads and their sides and their backs branded therewith** [and it will be said unto them] : “Here is that which you laid up for yourselves. Now taste [the evil of] your hoarded treasures!” -- Q.9:34,35
*Most probably this is, in the first instance, an allusion to wealth of the Jewish and Christian communities, and their misuse of this wealth. Some of the commentators, however, are of the opinion that the reference is wider, comprising all people, including Muslims, who hoard their wealth without spending anything thereof on righteous causes.
** Cf. the parallel allegory, in 3:180, of suffering which will befall the greedy for riches and niggardly in the life to come.
Prophet said
“Can anyone of you recite 1000 Qur’anic verses everyday?”, the Prophet continued, “Read (its equivalent) surah “AL-HAKU MUT TAKASUR …..( surah 102,’Piling Up’)”-- H: Hakim. N: Abdullah-b-Omer.
The surah is about those who are obsessed by greed and ‘who hoard their wealth without spending anything thereof on righteous causes.’
Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of God used to store up nothing for the morrow.
The Prophet said, "Do not with-hold your money by counting it (i.e. hoarding it), (for if you did so), Allah would also with-hold His blessings from you." ---- Sahih Bukhari: Volume 2, Book 24, Number 514: