Friday, December 28, 2007

11. Motive

God said

... whether you bring into the open what is in your minds or conceal it, God will call you to account for it….Q.2: 284

Say [O Muhammad] : “Shall we tell you who are the greatest losers in whatever they do? (It is) they whose labour has gone astray in (the pursuit of no more than) this world’s life, and who none the less think that they are doing good works: it is they who have chosen to deny their Sustainer’s messages and the truth that they are destined to meet Him.” Hence, all their [good deeds] come to naught, and no weight shall We assign to them on Resurrection Day. Q.18: 103-105

Surely, we do not want to be caught among the greatest losers. Let us reexamine our motives, deeds and our faith in the light of the above verse, specially : “who have chosen to deny their Sustainer’s messages and the truth that they are destined to meet Him.” Because among us are those who do not try to understand the Qura’n or do not act upon what is known to them. Let us make it our new year resolution to change that. So that we are not among those for whom the Prophet will say on the Resurrection Day (25:30) “O my Lord! Behold, (a number of) my own people have come to regard this Qur’an of no account ”

To him who desires a harvest [i.e., return of their endeavors] in the life to come, We shall grant an increase in his harvest; whereas to him who desires [but] a harvest in this world [exclusively], We [may] give something thereof, but he will have no share in [the blessings of] life to come. Q42: 20

“Niyat” or intention / motive to perform for the sake of God bears reward for all our actions – religious or temporal.

Prophet said

1. “Actions are (judged) only according to the conscious intentions (which prompted them); and unto everyone will be accounted what he consciously intended (i.e., while doing whatever he did)” – H: Bukhari and Muslim. N: Omar bin Khattab.
This basic, extremely well authenticated Tradition is quoted by Bukhari in seven places, as well as by Muslim, Tirmidhi, Abu Da’ud, Nasa’I, Ibn Majah, Ibn Hanbal, and several other compilations. In this connection it is to be noted that in the ethics of the Qur’an, the term “action”(‘amal) comprises also a deliberate “omission” of actions, whether good or bad, as well as a deliberate voicing of beliefs, both righteous and sinful: in short, everything that man consciously aims at and expresses by word or deed.

2. “A man whom God did not provide wealth or knowledge but whose (sincere) intention is to have done the (charitable) work of such and such (benevolent rich) had he (managed) the riches (then) rewards of both are equal.” – H: Tirmizi. N: Kabshah al-Anmariy.

3. “If two Muslims encounter with their swords (or any other weapon, and one gets
killed) then both the killer and the killed are in the Fire.” When asked why the one who is murdered, the Holy Prophet said: “Because he too was eager to kill his companion.” – H: Bukhari and Muslim. N: Abu Bakrah.

4. “Whoever marries a woman for a dower with the intention of not paying it back is a fornicator; and whoever takes a loan with the intention of not returning it is a thief.” – H. Ibn Majah. N: Abu Hurairah.

Friday, December 21, 2007

10. Blessings Of The Message

God said

… a guidance unto man and a self-evident proof of that guidance, and as the standard by which to discern the true from the false. …. Q.2: 185 { C.f., Behold, this (Qur’an) is indeed a word that cuts between truth and falsehood, … Q.86:13 }

… follow it, then, and be conscious of God, that you might be graced with mercy. Q.6: 156

…. (This is ) a Scripture which We have revealed unto you (Muhammad) that thereby you may bring forth mankind from darkness unto light … Q.14: 1

[O men!] We have revealed for you a book which contains all that you ought to bear in mind: will you not, then, use your reason? Q.21: 10
Hence, the phrase contains, apart from the concept of a “reminder”, an indirect allusion to the dignity and happiness to which man may attain by following the spiritual and social precepts laid down in the Qur’an.

Had We caused this Qur’an to descend upon a mountain thou would indeed see it humbling itself, breaking asunder for awe of God…And [all] such parables We propound unto men (and women) so that they might [learn to] think. Q.59: 21
i.e. in contrast with those who, by remaning oblivious of God and all moral imperatives, are spiritually more dead than inert mountain.

Prophet said

1. “Peace of mind descends on people who recite the Qur’an in company. These people are encompassed by the mercy of God; are surrounded by angels of compassion and are mentioned favourably by God in the gathering of angels.” -- H: Muslim. N: Abu Hurairah.
2. “Be particular about the recitation of the Qur’an. It is light in this world and storehouse of reward in the hereafter” – H. “Blessings of the Holy Qur’an”. N: Abu Zarr.
3. “(Do) read the Qur’an because it will be an intercessor on the Resurrection Day for its readers” – H: Muslim. N: Abu Hurairah.
4. “The best among you is one who has learnt the Qur’an and then teaches it” – H: Bukhari. N: Usman-b-Affan.
Quite obviously, one should learn to read the word of God correctly, learn the meanings with the help of explanations, and read from beginning to the end, as you would to study any valuable work in a language that you did not know. You being the representative of God, surely you know the stakes are much greater in case of neglecting God’s guidance on this planet!!

Eid Mubarak!

Friday, December 14, 2007

09. The Message Of God

God said

And unto thee [O Prophet] have We sent this Scripture, setting forth the truth, confirming the truth of whatever there still remains of earlier revelations and determining what is true therein…. Q.5: 48

For, indeed, many facets have We given in this Qur'an to every kind of lesson (designed) for (the benefit of) mankind! Q.17: 89

This [message] is not less than a reminder to all mankind -- to every one of you who wills to walk a straight way. Q.81: 27,28

The universality of the Qur'anic revelation arises from three factors: firstly, its appeal to all mankind irrespective of descent, race or cultural environment; secondly, the fact that it appeals exclusively to man's reason and, hence, does not postulate any dogma that could be accepted on the basis of blind faith alone; and, finally, the fact that – contrary to all other sacred scriptures known to history – the Qur'an has remained entirely unchanged in its wording ever since its revelation fourteen centuries ago and will, because it is so widely recorded, forever remain so in accordance with the divine promise, "It is We who shall truly guard it [from all corruption]" (15:9). It is by virtue of these three factors that the Qur'an represents the final stage of all divine revelation, and that the Prophet through whom it has been conveyed to mankind is stated to have been the last (in Qur'anic terminology, "the seal") of all prophets (33:40).
Wherein there are ordinances of ever-true soundness and clarity. Q.98: 3

Prophet said

1 . "Nothing can take you nearer to God than the recitation of the holy Qur'an which is the word of God Himself" – H: Abu Daud. N: Abu Zarr .
2 . "He is not of us who does not chant the Qur'an "– H: Bukhari. N: Abu Huarirah .
3. "The Word of God has superiority over all other expressions in the same way as the superiority of God is over His creations" – H: Tirmizi and Baihaqi. N: Abu Saeed.

Qur'an has three rights on us: to read, to try to understand it (that is why where necessary, explanations are being provided), and to act upon it. (Reading of every letter of the Arabic text is highly rewarding, being the word of God. It needs will and a little effort to learn to read the Qur'an correctly and earn much needed reward)

Friday, December 7, 2007

08. Mission Of The Messenger

God said

Even as We have sent unto you an apostle from among yourselves to convey unto you Our messages, and to cause you to grow in purity, and to impart unto you revelation and wisdom, and to teach you that which you knew not : so remember Me, and I shall remember you; and be grateful unto Me, and deny Me not. Q.2 : 151,152

O Prophet – behold, We have sent you as a witness [to the truth] and as a herald of glad tidings and a warner [against sin], and as one who summons [all people] to God by his leave, and as a light giving beacon. Q.33 : 45,46

He it is who has sent forth His Apostle with (the task of) spreading guidance and the religion of truth, to the end that He makes it prevail over all [false] religion, however hateful this may be to all who deny the truth. Q.61: 9 (Not over all religions, in the plural. There is really only one true religion to all : submission to the Will of God, preached by all the prophets.)

"Mission of the world-Prophet ran parallel to the revelation for over 22 years. He invited paupers and kings to the Word of God, detailing, demonstrating, inspiring, training, transforming men and women to take Islam across the world after him – undergoing sometime most severe hardships, defending against those who tried to eliminate the Faith and the faithful. The mission was successfully completed as confirmed by verse 5:3. It was revealed during the historic sermon at ‘Arafat, in the afternoon of Friday, the 9th of Dhu‘l-Hijjah, 10 H., eighty-one or eighty-two days before the Prophet passed away. Chronologically, no legal injunction was revealed after this verse."

Prophet said

1. : “God has sent me to accomplish virtues and to perfect the conduct”
-- H: : Sharah-i-sunnah. N: Jabir.
2. “God has sent me not to be harsh nor to make things difficult. He has sent me as a teacher (for the world), one who would bring ease.”
-- H: Muslim. N: Jabir.