Friday, April 29, 2011

3. 07. THE OTHER JIHAD (concluded)

God says

Whoever strives hard, strives for his own soul, for, verily, God does not stand in need of anything in all the world! As for those who attain to faith and do righteous deeds, We shall most certainly efface their [previous] bad deeds, and shall most certainly reward them in accordance with the best that the ever did. -- Q.29:6

But as for those who strive hard for Us – We will most certainly guide them to Our paths: for , verily God is with those who are doers of good. -- Q.29:69

…And how excellent a reward will it be for those who laboured [in God’s way]! -- Q.39: 74

….But all who take Satan rather than God for their master do indeed, most clearly, lose all: he holds out promises to them, and fills them with vain desires: yet whatever Satan promises them is but meant to delude the mind.* Such as these have hell for their goal: and they shall find no way to escape there from. Q. 4:118-121
* The term ghurur signifies anything by which the mind is beguiled or deceived – for instance, utter self-abandonment to earthly joys, or the absurd belief that there is no limit to man’s aims and achievements.

Prophet said

“Performing the ablution properly, going to the mosque frequently for prayers even in difficult and distressing circumstances and waiting for the next prayer after one is over: This is your Jihad in the cause of God” – H. Muslim (excerpt). N: Abu Hurairah. (‘Riyadh-us-saleheen’, vol. 1, page 91, H:131.)

A man came and asked the permission for Jihad. The Holy Prophet enquired, “Are your parents still alive?” He said: yes. The Holy Prophet said, “Then you strive hard in serving them.” – H: Bukhari. N: Abdullah-b-Omer

The headstrong condition of self called ‘Ammara’, seeks satisfaction in the base desires leading to spiritual ruin. If ever it becomes aware and conscious of sin, then it starts struggle to resist it. This becomes the hopeful sign.

Friday, April 22, 2011

3. 07. THE OTHER JIHAD (To be cont.)

God says

-- He it is who has made you inherit the earth, and has raised some of you by degree above others, so that He might try you by means of what He has bestowed upon you.* Verily, thy Sustainer is swift in retribution: yet, behold, He is indeed much- forgiving, most gracious.
-- Q.6: 165
*Lit., by way of character, strength, knowledge, social position, wealth etc.

Strive hard in God’s cause with all the striving that is due to Him…..

And say: “O my Sustainer! I seek refuge with Thee from the promptings of all evil impulses;* (98) and I seek refuge with Thee, O my Sustainer, lest they come near unto me!”
-- Q.23:97,98
* Lit., “of the satans” or “satanic forces”. Satans (shayatin, pl. of shaytan). In accordance with ancient Arabic usage, this term often denotes people “who, through their insolent persistence in evildoing, have become like satans” (Zamakhshari): However, the term shaytan is often used in the Qur’an to describe the “satanic” (i.e., exceedingly evil) uncontrollable tendencies in man’s own soul, and especially all impulses which run counter to truth and morality (Raghib).

…. the Day on which neither wealth will be of any use, nor children, (and when) only he (will be happy) who comes before God with a heart free of evil!
-- Q.26:88,89

Prophet said

“One who strives for the widows and the poor is like one who struggles (jihad) in the way of God”, said the Prophet, “I shall regard him as one who stands up (for prayer) without rest and as one who fasts without break” *
– H: Bukhari, Muslim and other compilations. N: Abu Hurairah

Friday, April 15, 2011


God says

Say: “My Sustainer has [but] enjoined the doing what is right; and [He desires you to] put your whole being into every act of worship, and to call unto Him, sincere in your faith in Him alone. As it was he who brought you into being in the first instance, so also [unto Him] you will return: some [of you] He will have graced with His guidance, whereas for some a straying from the right path will have become unavoidable:* for, behold, they will have taken [their own] evil impulses for their masters in preference to God, thinking all the while that they have found the right path!” -- Q. 7:29,30
* Lit., “will have becomeincumbent upon them”(haqqa ‘alayhim), implying that this straying was an inevitable consequence of their doings and attitudes.

Indeed, man’s inner self does incite him to evil, … Q.12:53

And [on the Day of Judgment] when everything will have been decided, Satan will say [to the sinners]: “Behold, God promised you something that was bound to come true!* I, too, held out [all manner of] promises to you – but I deceived you. Yet I had no power at all over you: I but called you – and you responded unto me. Hence, blame not me, blame yourselves.** It is not for me to respond to your cries [for help now], nor for you to respond to mine***: for, behold, I have [always] refused to admit that there was any truth in your erstwhile belief that I had a share in God’s divinity.**** -- Q.14:22
* Promise of resurrection and last judgment
** In his commentary on this passage, Razi remarks: “This verse shows that the real Satan is [man’s own] complex of desires (an-nafs): for, Satan makes it clear [in the above] that it was only by means of insinuations (waswasah) that he was able to reach [the sinner’s soul]; and had it not been for an already-existing [evil] disposition due to lusts, anger, superstition or fanciful ideas, these [satanic] insinuations would have had no effect whatsoever.”
*** I.e., “I cannot respond to your call for help, just as you should not have, in your lifetime, responded to my call.”

Prophet said

The Holy Prophet said to the people who returned from war: “Welcome to you all; you have come from the smaller fight to the greatest one.” They enquired about the greatest one. He said, “Fighting against (baser instincts of) the self” – H: Baihaqi. N: Jaber

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Now before any change in us can take place, we need to reexamine our outlook on prayer. Ask yourself: Why do I pray? Is it just because I have to? Is it just to get this daily duty out of the way and over with? Or maybe it is because everyone just does it so I do it too?

It’s time to make a change. We need to start praying out of sincere Love. Pray out of longing to be with the one you love. Pray.. for the peace and comfort that comes from being with the one you love. There are 3 reasons which make you love someone:

1. Either because that someone is beautiful!
2. Or because that someone always deals kindly with you.
3. Or because that someone has done many favors for you.
Think of Allah now. He is all of the above and more, isn’t He? Doesn’t He then deserve to be the most worthy of our love over everything and anyone else? To truly love Allah is to truly taste the greatest love in existence! It is to truly taste the beauty of faith:

- As to Allah’s beauty, look around at all that is beautiful in creation, be it inner or outer beauty.. It is all but a small hint to the ultimate beauty He beholds. If every person was created with the beauty of Prophet Yusuf (Peace Be Upon Him) and this total beauty was combined with the beauty of everything we see around us- all this in comparison to the beauty of Allah, would be like that of a weak candle light to the brightness of the sun! And Allah’s beauty is unique, for it’s coupled with everlasting glory! And just think. He sets this Most Beautiful, Glorious Face to yours when you stand in prayer!

- Allah’s beauty is so immense that we cannot see Him in this world, for if He were to manifest to us His glory, it would burn everything in existence! Recall what happened to Prophet Musa (Peace Be Upon Him) when he once asked to see Allah. Allah said, “You cannot see Me. But look upon the mountain, if it remains firm in place then you will be able to see Me.”

To this, Allah manifested Himself to the mountain, and the mountain crumbled in total annihilation! Musa (Peace Be Upon Him) collapsed, and fainted (see 7:143). This was what happened to Musa (Peace Be Upon Him) when he only saw the mountain which saw Allah’s beauty. So imagine if it was a direct sight!

- As to Allah’s kindness and favors upon us, just close your eyes momentarily to appreciate just the gift of sight alone. If we were to count His favors upon us, never will we be able to enumerate them. And sometimes we gripe when a favor has not been granted us. Don’t we then realize in hindsight, that it was much better for us this 3 way? The denial of this favor, we realize later, was a favor in itself. For Allah has nothing but good.

- And Imagine. When we dare and sin against Him, we sin using the very gifts and blessings He has given us! But out of His love and mercy for us, He continues to guard over us and protect us, even while we’re in the act! You will not find anyone more kind; you will not find anyone more giving. You will not find anyone more worthy of your love than He.

Remember this: The sweetness of this life lies in remembering Him, the sweetness of the next life lies in seeing Him! The next time you proceed for prayer, go because you love Him, go because you miss Him and long to be with Him. Feel your heart flutter. Only then, will you be on your way to attaining that inner peace and comfort Salah was prescribed for.