Friday, July 31, 2009

2.20. STEADFASTNESS (continued)

God says

[But,] behold, as for those who say: “Our Sustainer is God” and then steadfastly persue the right way – upon them do angels often descend, (saying:) “Fear not and grieve not but receive the glad tiding of that paradise which has been promised to you! We are close unto you in the life of this world and (will be so) in the life to come; and in that [life] you shall have all that your soul may desire, and in it you shall have all that you ever prayed for, as a ready welcome from Him who is much forgiving, and most gracious! ”-- Q.41:30-32

Await, then, [O believer,] in all patience thy Sustainer’s judgment*, … Q.76:24

*This connects with the preceding mention of the life to come, in which the righteous will meet with bliss, and the evildoers with suffering.

Prophet said

1. “So be steadfast and seek nearness (to God).” -- H: Bukhari. N: Abu Hurairah.

2. Sufyan-b-Abdullah-al-Saqafi reported: I asked the Messenger of God to advise me a word about Islam, such that there will be no need ever to ask anyone else. He replied, “Say: ‘I believe in God’ (and) then be steadfast (in your belief) ” – H: Muslim.

Friday, July 24, 2009


God says

…. “O our Sustainer! Shower us with steadfastness, and make our steps firm: help us against those who deny the truth!” -- Q.2:250

…. (And God sees all that is in [the hearts of] His servants --) those who are steadfast, and truthful, and truly devout, those who spend [in God’s way and hoard not], those who pray for forgiveness from their innermost heart -- Q.3:17

… And God loves those who are firm and steadfast. -- Q.3:146

And bid thy people to pray, and persevere therein. …. Q.20:132

…. establish regular prayers, enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong: and bear with patient constancy whatever (ill) may befall you; for this is firmness (of purpose) in (the conduct of) affairs! -- Q.31:17

Prophet said

1. “Good deed that pleases God most is that which is done regularly though it may be small”-- H: Bukhari and Muslim. N: Bibi Ayesha.

Friday, July 17, 2009

2.19. Elements of Patience

God says


- And God loves those who are firm and steadfast -- Q.3:146


Haqqani defines self-restraint in his tafsir as ‘following (one’s God given) reason and restraining fear, desire, anger’ : Q.4:120 - Satan makes promises and creates vain desires; but Satan’s promises are nothing but deception. / Q.12:53 …man’s inner self invite [him] to evil… Q.18:28 - as he had always followed [only] his own desires, abandoning all that is good and true. / Q.42:37 …and who, whenever they are moved by anger, readily forgive”


And [know that true servants of God are only] those who never bear witness to what is false, and [who], whenever they pass by [people engaged in] frivolity, pass on with dignity; and who, whenever they are reminded of their Sustainer’s messages, do not throw themselves upon them [as if] deaf and blind [without making attempt to understand it]; and who pray: “O our Sustainer! Grant that our spouses and our offspring be a joy to our eyes [by living righteous life], and cause us to be foremost among those who are conscious of Thee!” [Such as] these will be rewarded for all their patient endurance [in life] with a high station [in paradise], therein to abide: [and] how goodly an abode and [how high] a station! -- Q.25:72-75

Endure with patience, [O Prophet] what they say [against you], and leave them with noble dignity. -- Q.73:10

Prophet said

1. “If the oppressed remains patient, God thereby increases his honour” – Fragment of an authentic Tradition quoted by Tirmizi on the authority of Abu Kabshah al-Anmari.

Friday, July 10, 2009

2.19. PATIENCE (continued)

God says

“…. do not lose hope of God’s life-giving mercy: indeed, none but people who deny the truth can ever lose hope of God’s life-giving mercy.” – Q. 12:87

Hence, do not barter away your bond with God for a trifling gain! Verily, that which is with God is by far the best for you, if you but knew it: all that is with you is bound to come to an end,whereas that which is with God is everlasting. And most certainly shall We grant unto those who are patient in adversity their reward in accordance with the best that they ever did. --Q.16: 95,96

They who are patient in adversity will indeed receive reward beyond any reckoning! ….Q.39:10

But [since] good and evil cannot be equal, repel thou [evil] with something that is better -- and lo! he between whom and thyself was enmity [may then become] as though he had [always] been close, a true friend! Yet [to achieve] this is not given to any but those who are patient in adversity: it is not given to any but those endowed with the greatest good fortune! -- Q.41:34,35

Bear, then, with patience thy Sustainer’s will, ….Q.68:48

And show not favour, seeking worldly gain! But unto thy Lord turn in patience. -- Q.74:6,7

Persist with truth, persist with patience.- Q103: 3

Prophet said

1. “God will enroll as grateful and patient whoever looks someone superior to him in religious acts and then follows (the same); and looks someone inferior to him in worldly affairs and then thanks to God for His bounties.” – H: Tirmizi. N: Amr-b-Shuaib.

Friday, July 3, 2009

2.19. PATIENCE (continued)

God says

Be not, then, faint of heart, and grieve not: because you are bound to rise high if you are [truly] believers. -- Q.3:139

….God loves those who are patient in adversity: -- Q.3:146

You shall certainly be tried and tested in your possessions and in your personal selves and you shall certainly hear much that will grieve you, from those who received the Book before you and from those who worship many gods. But if you persevere patiently, and guard against evil – then that will be the determining factor in all affairs. -- Q.3:186

O you who have attained to faith! Be patient in adversity, and vie in patience with one another, and be ever ready [to do what is right], and remain conscious of God, so that you might attain to a happy state! -- Q.3:200

Be, then, [like Noah] patient in adversity – for, behold, the future belongs to the God-conscious! * -- Q.11:49

* This is though addressed to the Prophet, at the end of the story of Noah, but the statement by God is meant for all times.

Prophet said

1. “Verily, patience is (that which is) observed in the very beginning of (any) grief” – H: Bukhari and Muslim. N: Anas.