Friday, November 16, 2012

4.30. LABOUR AND WAGES (to cont.)

God says

Every human being is bound to taste death: only on Resurrection Day you will be requited in full [for whatever you have done]….  Q.3:185

I shall not lose sight of the labour of any of you who labours, be it be a man or a women: each of you is an issue of the other* …. Q.3:195
*I.e., “you all are members of one and the same human race, and therefore equal to one another. 

Whoever shall come (before God) with a good deed will gain ten times the like thereof; but whoever shall come with an evil deed will be requited with no more than the lieu thereof. -- Q.6:160

And whatever [wrong] any human being commits rests upon himself alone; and no bearer of burdens shall be made to bear another’s burden.* -- Q.6: 164 
*This basic ethical law -- which is also found in 17:15, 35:18, 39:7 and 53:38 – constitutes a categorical rejection of the Christian doctrines of “original sin” with which every human being is allegedly burdened from birth and “vicarious atonement” for mankind’s sinfulness by Jesus. 

Every child is born innocent and remains in this sinless stage until the age of discretion. His duties towards God and duties towards His creations are clearly defined in the Qur’an and the Traditions of the Prophet. Observance of these (virtues) enables the soul reach its perfection (paradise): their neglect (sin) leads to degradation (hell).

Prophet said

“I used to tend goats for the inhabitants of Mecca (for the wages of) a few Qirats” -- H:Bukhari. N: Abu Hurairah.
“Wretched man is he who follows his low desires and (then) rests hope in God” -- H: Tirmizi and Ibn Majah. N: Shaddad-b-Aus.

Friday, November 9, 2012


God says

For no single thing exists that does not have its source with Us;* and naught do We bestow from on high unless it be in accordance with a measure well-defined.** -- Q.15:21
*Lit., “but with Us are its storehouses”
**Lit., “and We do not send it down [I.e., “create it”] otherwise than according to a measure We know”: that is, in accordance with the exigencies of God’s plan as such and with the function which any particular thing or phenomenon is to have within that plan.

And We let loose the winds to fertilize [plants],* and We send down water from the skies and let you drink thereof: and it is not you who dispose of its source – for it is We – We alone – who grant life and deal death, and it is We alone who shall remain after all else will have passed away!  -- Q.15:22
*I.e., by pollination as well as by bringing rain-clouds.

Prophet said

Rafe- bin-Kadeej reported: Many of us had cultivation in Medina. Someone used to let (in advance) his land saying: ‘This plot is for me and that is for you.’ (Later) one yielded crop, the other didn’t.  The Holy Prophet forbade it. -- Bukhari , Muslim.

“If anyone takes a span of land unjustly, (then) on the Resurrection Day its extent taken from seven earths will be tied round his neck.” -- H: Bukhari and Muslim. N: Saeed-b-Zaid.

Friday, November 2, 2012


God says

Q.6:99 -- And He it is  who has caused the water to come down from the sky: and by this means have We brought forth all living growth, and out of this have We brought forth verdure.* Out of this do We bring forth close-growing grain; and out of the sheathes of the date-palm tree, dates in thick clusters; and gardens of vines and the olive tree, and the pomegranate: [all] so alike, and yet so different!** Behold their fruit when it comes to fruition and ripens! Verily, in this there are messages for people who will believe!
*In contrast with its sequence, which is governed by the present tense, the whole of the above sentence is expressed in the past tense – this indicating, obliquely, the original, basic aspect of God’s creating life “out of water” (cf. 21: 30)
**I.e., all so alike in basic principles of their life and growth, and yet so different in physiology, appearance and taste.  

And the earth – We have spread it out wide, and placed on it mountains firm, and caused [life] of every kind to grow on it in a balanced manner, and provided thereon means of livelihood for you [O men] as well as for all [living beings] whose sustenance does not depend on you.  -- Q.15:19,20

*I.e., all living organisms – whether plants or animals – which are not tended by man but are nevertheless provided for. In its wider senses the notion that all living beings – man included – are provided for by God, and by Him alone.(cf. 11: 6).

Prophet said

 “Whoever has got land, let him cultivate it or let it out to his brother” — H: Bukhari and Muslim. N: Jabir.

The Prophet gave the Jews of Khaiber date trees and the land to labour on them and to cultivate them (on terms) that they will have half of the yield. -- H: Bukhari. N: Abdillah bin Omar.