Saturday, March 10, 2012


God says about the God-conscious

…God loves those who are conscious of Him. -- Q. 9: 4

Word ‘Muttaqeen’, (singular: Muttaqi) from Arabic ‘Taqwa’ is stressed again and again in the Qur’an vitally linked to a Believer’s life. Muhammad Asad uses ‘God-consciousness’ as the translation for ‘Taqwa’ and explains its comprehensive meaning below:
Conventional translation of Muttaqi as “God-Fearing” does not adequately render the positive content of this expression -- namely, the awareness of His all-presence and the desire to mould one’s existence in the Light of this awareness; while the interpretation adopted by some translators “one who guards himself from evil” or “one who is careful of his duty”, does not give more than one particular aspect of the God-consciousness.

An ‘ernest desire to mould our existence in the light of this awareness’ is the first step and a ‘planned and persistent effort is the next one.’ The rest will follow, because we should recall that God said, “As for those who strive for Us, We will most certainly guide them to Our Paths: For, verily, God is with those who are doers of good.” -- Q.29:69

Prophet said about wonders of the Qur’an

1. “Nothing can take you nearer to God than the recitation of the holy Qur’an which is the word of God Himself” – H: Abu Daud. N: Abu Zarr.
2. “He is not of us who does not chant the Qur’an ”– H: Bukhari. N: Abu Huarirah.
3. “Be particular about the recitation of the Qur’an. It is light in this world and storehouse of reward in the hereafter” – Blessings of the Holy Qur’an. N: Abu Zarr.
4. “One who finds reading of the Qur’an difficult and (hence) has to put in much effort (to read it correctly) will be receiving double reward” – H: Bukhari. N: Bibi Ayesha.
5. “(Do) read the Qur’an because it will be an intercessor on the Resurrection Day for its readers” – H: Muslim. N: Abu Hurairah.
6. “Peace of mind descends on people who recite the Qur’an in company. These people are encompassed by the mercy of God; are surrounded by angels of compassion and are mentioned favourably by God in the gathering of angels.”
H: Muslim. N: Abu Hurairah.

Qur’an is to be understood and acted upon to help us here and in after life. Easy, like anything that we desire and plan to do!

Insha’a Allah, next Friday will start section four