Saturday, February 4, 2012


God says

This is [to be borne in mind]. And anyone who honors the symbols set up by God* [shall know that,] verily, these [symbols derive their value] from God-consciousness in the [believers’] hearts. -- Q.22: 32
*This stress on the symbolic character of all the rites connected with the pilgrimage is meant to draw the believer’s attention to the spiritual meaning of those rites, and thus to warn him against making, unthinkably, a sort of fetish of them. The term sha ‘a’ ir comprises all the rites, actions and places connected with the pilgrimage (all of which have a symbolic meaning), and cannot be restricted to any one of them.

In that [God-consciousness] you shall find benefits until a term set [by Him is fulfilled],* and [you shall know that] its goal and end is the Most Ancient House of Worship** -- Q.22:33
*i.e., “until the end of your lives”-- (Baydawi)
**… implying that the realization of God’s Oneness and uniqueness-- symbolized by the Ka’bah (the Most Ancient House of Worship,) -- is the goal and end of all true God-consciousness.

Prophet said

Abu Sayeed-al-Khodri reported: We came out with the Apostle of God for pilgrimage saying “Talbeeh” loudly * – H: Muslim.
* Talbeeh : Man and woman repeatedly saying in chorus, “Here I am O God, here I am! (I confirm that) there is no partner to Thee. Here I am! All praise and all grace belong to Thee, and all dominion is Thine. There is no partner to Thee.”

‘…an accepted pilgrimage has Paradise as reward’ -- H: Bukhari and Muslim. N: Abu Hurairah.